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Maker Pro

RCA Colortrack TV -help with relay problem ?



I have a 26 inch rca colortrack sterio-monitor
I bought it oh , about 1984 or thereabouts.

I am sorry but i can't pull it out from the cabinet and see the model
number label at this very moment. I will need a hand for that, as it
is very heavy, but I can get this info if anyone thinks that will

It has been having problems turning on , (or off). it otherwise works

when I try to turn it on it doesen't click , no lights nothing. same
thing happens with the remote. but if I am persistant it will turn off
or on either way. (so i don't suspect the power switch itself, or the

I work on antique (tube) radios so I can gleam some knowledge from
that. I change alot of capacitors.I am aware of the much higher
voltages in the TV

I don't have a schematic for this and I don't know where to go to get
one. suggestions?

from reading previous similar posts , and thinking about it I assume
it could be either a bad relay run off the power button, or maybe not
enough voltage that part of the circut.

I have also read some mention that in general tv's need a minimum
voltage to turn on, around 12 volts ? and that could be a bad zener

ok I am stretching here, but since it is basically a working set
except for this intermittent powering on problem.

It is an older set not really worth taking to a shop I would like to
find out where to begin in checking this out. It would be good to get
a little info before opening it up as space is a bit of a problem.

maybe there is a little board in there that i can swap out or
something ? any suggestions where in the set to look, or where to get
info, like a chassis layout or schematic?

thanks ,


you should find the power relay and short it to see if it comes on every
time, if so just replace the relay or put a manual switch on the set,
since it has a remote another possibility is low voltage in the standby
circut not feeding the relay much current so it wont grab every time
(check voltage on the coil side of the relay and standby transformer)


you should find the power relay and short it to see if it comes on every
time, if so just replace the relay or put a manual switch on the set,
since it has a remote another possibility is low voltage in the standby
circut not feeding the relay much current so it wont grab every time
(check voltage on the coil side of the relay and standby transformer)

Thanks so much, that is sort of what I was thinking it could be.
now I just need to find the relay, but I have some direction. I can
probably follow the power cord to that.

I appreciate the help


yes the power should come in go through the fuse and probably fork off to
the standby circut and on the otherside through the relay on to the
voltage regulator, the relay should be a small black box with four pins (2
for magnetic coil, and 2 that function as the actual switch) the power for
the relay coil comes from the standby circut. hope you get it running:)