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RCA big screen repair question


Eddie Brimer

rca projection tv, model p46770ck. apparently the HV splitter module is

toast since that is what smokes when you turn it on. my questions this caused by lightning? are there other things that i need
to check before i power up when i replace the splitter? what does it
do? is it simply a transformer? the part number on the splitter is


Most probably you will have to repair the SMPS first
and possibly replace the HOT and some Caps in that associated circuit.


Eddie Brimer

go into more detail...less abreviations. i am an old radio guy. i
would imagine SMPS is a power supply. by repair, you mean recap it?
what is HOT? break it down for me please.


Yes SMPS is a power supply section.\...
HOT is Horizontal Output Transistor\
You will have to do some trouble shooting ....
These sets are not for the faint of heart.
do all that before switching on the TV after repair.
Standby voltage on collector of HOT whilst plugged in BUT NOT turned
Voltage on CR4118 also whilst in same mode.....12.8..13.0V



Eddie Brimer

if these voltages are good, can i assume that the HOT and SMPS are good
and power the set up? splitter is ordered.

Jason D.

if these voltages are good, can i assume that the HOT and SMPS are good
and power the set up? splitter is ordered.
Reason for this HV splitter blew up is excessive HV or bad install.
Not easy to get the soft lead speared into tiny waxy-filled hole at
bottom of the cavity. Cause of excessive HV, high B+ in standby, is
two small capacitors besides the TEAxxxx IC in the power supply for
chassis are out of tolerances, replace with 15uF 63V, other one 2.2uF
100V, other one 470uF 35V, also get the unique cap 39uF 100V from RCA.
While in standby should be exactly 143V +/-5V, I tend to set just low,
as caps ages, standby B+ rises. Not the other one for the convergence
power supply.

Is the 205064 HV splitter a true RCA not generic? RCA HV splitter is
around 100+. Generic is a pain in butt to install due to poorly
designed sleeves and design of cavities. Fashion thin wire hook to
snag the rubber gasket sleeves out if it didn't come out with the
lead. There are four of them, one is sized for focus lead with own
sleeve size. The new sleeves that comes with new HV block is
incorrectly sized. Reuse the old sleeves and gaskets by cleaning them
well. Lube gaskets with dielectric silicon grease to make installing
easier and double check lead is straight and stiff, click the sleeve
once, carefully push the lead all way in, and using pliers push down
the sleeve to snap in final position, this part is hard if it refuses
to go down all the way, pull lead very, very slightly out and push
down sleeve home.

Cheers, Wizard

Eddie Brimer

thanks for the tips. here is the splitter i am ordering. it says RCA,
but is probably a knockoff...i dunno.

if this one is no good, let me know. i am sure i will have more
questions when i start putting it in. the TV failed after an
electrical storm.

Tom MacIntyre it an RCA or a knock off?

No way to tell that I can won't get a knock-off from
Thomson, and, with the frequency of this problem, a knock-off might be
good anyway..



MCM has RCA orig. $30.19, I just got 2 from them.
For that price its knock off.
go to MCM or Fox..
