Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RCA ATC221 or ITC222 Green CRT Needed



Hi. Got an ATC221 RCA set (D52w20YX1). Had no green image, just raster.
Green crt board cold. Replaced board, got green back but tube is weak. Has
anyone got one of these sets due for scrapping with a theoretically good
tube? I can get new but customer doesn't want to spend too much.
Understandable. With new sub number for ATC221 green tube, it is same as
ITC222 green tube. If anyone has one to sell I would be quite grateful.



Hi. Got an ATC221 RCA set (D52w20YX1). Had no green image, just raster.
Green crt board cold. Replaced board, got green back but tube is weak. Has
anyone got one of these sets due for scrapping with a theoretically good
tube? I can get new but customer doesn't want to spend too much.
Understandable. With new sub number for ATC221 green tube, it is same as
ITC222 green tube. If anyone has one to sell I would be quite grateful.


Who made the set for RCA? Hitachi, Matsushita (Panasonic, JVC etc) or
other? Have you completely crossreferenced with their known suppliers?

In a pinch I look at and United--- (usually comes up in
a Google search anyway...four or more of the major websites like Radio
Shack and the box stores are have their calls sent to the same place
in the first place)...

Realize I'm not a repairman but that's what I know.