Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RCA 52in big screen making beeping noise



My 52in RCA television is making a beeping noise whenever I plug it in. I
have no picture and no sound just a steady beep coming from the back of
the television. Any idea on what is wrong with it?


James Sweet

radkonn said:
My 52in RCA television is making a beeping noise whenever I plug it in. I
have no picture and no sound just a steady beep coming from the back of
the television. Any idea on what is wrong with it?


It's broken...

Seriously, there's not much you can do unless you're familiar with repairing
TV's, it's probably not too serious but it will require an experienced
technician to repair it for you.
Idea? Needs fixed.

Just not nearly enough of a description to know what is going on.
Someone with some knowledge of troubleshooting needs to get inside the
set and perform some troubleshooting so an accurate diagnosis and
estimate can be provided.


Is the sound a diagnostic signal? Can you just give me some ideas of what
could be going on with it, so I can be informed before I call for service?
I am an HVAC technician which doesn't make me an expert on electronic
repair, but I do know how to use a DMM and have moderate troubleshooting


Is the sound a diagnostic signal? Can you just give me some ideas of what
could be going on with it, so I can be informed before I call for service?
I am an HVAC technician which doesn't make me an expert on electronic
repair, but I do know how to use a DMM and have moderate troubleshooting


Fair enough.

I just wanted to see if the beeping noise was common with these big screen
televisions. Maybe, it is a way to focus on areas. Do you know what
typically causes a tv to fail and start beeping, or is there a multitude
of problems pertaining to a complete shutdown followed by a constant
beeping noise?

Alan Harriman

Fair enough.

I just wanted to see if the beeping noise was common with these big screen
televisions. Maybe, it is a way to focus on areas. Do you know what
typically causes a tv to fail and start beeping, or is there a multitude
of problems pertaining to a complete shutdown followed by a constant
beeping noise?

What's the model and/or chassis number? That's probably a good place
to start.

Alan Harriman
RCA doesn't use a diagnostic signal that is audible. They use an error
code system that requires the use of a computer interface. Some
manufactures like Sony use a sequence of blinking lights.

Odds are the sound you are hearing is the switch mode power supply
trying to start, failing due to some parts failure in the set, and
trying again. Leaving it plugged in this way will cause additional
parts failures if this is in fact what is being heard.

No common failures.

The good thing about the RCA, servicers see them so often that any
authorized Thomson servicer with a good reputation will be able to
effectively diagnose the set in your home to provide an estimate.


Basically what they are tryin to tell you is without proper information and
diagnostic data from you we just can not flippin assist. The model and
chassis number are basic needs as well as any diagnostics you have done
other than listening to the SMPS scream, otherwise, "take the bloody thing
to a service facility", will be the best answer.



I got the message without your very unhelpful and unsightful post. Try to
copy your peers and have some class or you could just grow up.


Self Help is more than listening to the SMPS scream Mate! Diagnostics are
necessary to explain that at least you have the flippn idea of just what the
heck you are doing. Otherwise leave the repair to the professionals. It is
totally obvious, regardless of the training that you have in repair of other
devices, that you have absolutely no idea of what to do with a broken tele.
Being professional repair technicians, we continually ask for Model,
Manufacturer, and Chassis information plus any diagnostic measurements that
have been made. Otherwise we are shooting as much in the dark as you are.
None of your posts are indicative of any relevant information allowing us to
guess other than the bloody thing is still broken.


It's obvious to me that you can't seem to comprehend my previous posts. I
specifically said that I just wanted to be informed before calling for
service. In my industry, which I am leaving soon, there are many
technicians that rip off customers. Most companies in my area are
commission driven, so the amount of parts you sell is directly correlated
with your disposable income. You shouldn't get pissed just because someone
is seeking additional knowledge. I think it is great that there are
websites out there where people can obtain information. I regularly post
on HVAC forums and actually help people outside of my industry, not like
you. I think your replies to my post are signs of your character and
maturity. Maybe, you feel you should have made it further in life, so you
put your profession up on a pedestal. Don't sell yourself short Art. I'm
sure you have asked questions before, taxes, law, etc.... You don't see
lawyers and CPAs getting angry at you when you seek their advice, and I'm
quite sure you don't have a "flippin" idea when it comes to their
profession. I'm almost tempted to seek the knowledge to make this repair
now, but my time with my family and my safety is more valuable than the
couple hundred dollars it will cost to fix it. Just remember Art, one
can't know everything in life. Nevertheless, from your replies you seem to
have all the answers, but unfortunately, the answers you have fail to be
helpful. Thus, they should be kept to yourself. I ask you to read back
through the posts and tell me if your replies were warranted or needed; I
don't think they were. Instead of unleashing your anger via the internet,
you should suppress your anger and spend time with your family. Moreover,
you may want to seek the advice of a psychiatrist to find out why you are
using chat forums as a channel to make yourself feel better. Well, I'm not
a doctor, of course. Therefore, I'm not going to give you any help, but
you are obviously a self perceived know it all so figure it out. I just
pointed out a flaw in your character. Whether you choose to accept it is
up to you. Good luck in life and get better soon Art….


For some reason I couldn't log into my old account. I don't know if i
has become inactive or what (hence radkonn2). Well, I just wanted t
post an update. For some reason, I have been getting some email
asking me if I ever fixed the problem. This link must pull u
whenever someone does a search on a search enging. Well, I decided t
buy a new TV instead and put the big screen in my workout/game room
Of course, it wasn't working for a while, since I didn't really fin
the need to get it going again. That is until I started receiving th
emails. It turns out that this is a very common problem, and most o
the time it is caused by the failure of two parts. Therefore, I too
the chance and ordered two parts that cost me forty dollars and th
TV is now fixed. It turned out to be the horizontal output transisto
and the flyback transformer. Again, I'm no expert on electroni
devices, but it was very easy to replace the parts. I was told by on
repair technician that 98 percent of the time replacing these part
will fix the problem. If anyone is having the same problem and isn'
sure where the parts are located, feel free to email me
[email protected]