Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RC remote and car circuit help

Hello! I am very new to electronics, and don't know a great deal of knowledge on the subject except the basics. I have been constructing the electronics to an rc car that I thought would be fun to build. I have already made the real life model after these schematics and it doesn't work. I have been trying to figure out where i have went wrong, but I can't spot anything. If i could have some debugging help that would be much appreciated. The schematics are below.


  • remote.png
    29.6 KB · Views: 104
  • RC-body.png
    43.6 KB · Views: 89

Harald Kapp

Possible sources of trouble:
  • Your first image shows analog sticks, but the HT12E is meant to be used with push buttons on these pins.
  • Using the RC oscillator can result in a mismatch of transmitter and receiver frequencies. Do yo have a means to verify these do match?
  • The L293D is incorrectly wired. You need to connectboth driver iputs to use the driver outputs.See the datasheet.
Possible sources of trouble:
  • Your first image shows analog sticks, but the HT12E is meant to be used with push buttons on these pins.
  • Using the RC oscillator can result in a mismatch of transmitter and receiver frequencies. Do yo have a means to verify these do match?
  • The L293D is incorrectly wired. You need to connectboth driver iputs to use the driver outputs.See the datasheet.
Ok. Is there a correct pin I should use for the analog sticks, and the analog sticks only have one output so how should I hook that up to the L293D?