Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Raymarine autopilot problem


just me

I have a 7001 smart pilot and a RL80CRC at the helm on my sailboat.

Everything worked well for about a year and then one day with the autopilot
on, the helm went hard to port. I quickly put the autopilot on standby and
brought the boat back on course. When I looked at the plotter, the image of
the boat was showing the boat going sideways thru the water.

I went back and re-calibrated the autopilot and that corrected it.

During a two day sail, the second day it did it again. Has anybody
experienced this? Any ideas of what's going on and how to fix it?


Jay A. Howell, CFP
Registered Representative
Financial Network Investment Corporation, Member SIPC
4950 Westgrove Drive, Suite 130
Dallas, TX 75248
(817) 265-3513 personal office
(817) 265-2813 fax

Garland Gray II

Sounds like a problem I had w/ similar raytheon equipment. Make sure there
is nothing close to the fluxgate that is affecting it.
In my case, I had stored a small dinghy motorabout 5 or 6 ft away from the
fluxgate, and it made the image head W at all times.

John Proctor

I have a 7001 smart pilot and a RL80CRC at the helm on my sailboat.

Everything worked well for about a year and then one day with the
autopilot on, the helm went hard to port. I quickly put the autopilot
on standby and brought the boat back on course. When I looked at the
plotter, the image of the boat was showing the boat going sideways thru
the water.

I went back and re-calibrated the autopilot and that corrected it.

During a two day sail, the second day it did it again. Has anybody
experienced this? Any ideas of what's going on and how to fix it?

What core pack do you have with the 7001? There is an eco out for the
S1 corepack where the fluxgate gives intermittant problems. The problem
can develop after installation.


What core pack do you have with the 7001? There is an eco out for the
S1 corepack where the fluxgate gives intermittant problems. The problem
can develop after installation.

If anyone is interested, I think my captain still has the Raymarine Compass
Sensor in fine condition we replaced with the Raymarine Smart Heading
Sensor (with the gyrocompass sensor) in "Lionheart". He mentioned to me he
wanted to sell it. If he hasn't found it a home, I can ask him again for a
price that will replace your fluxgate problems. This is a full real
compass sensor with self-calibrating data output. All you do is turn slow
in a circle over a few minutes and it calbrates itself. I think this is
the NMEA model, but I could be mistaken and it would be Seatalk. They make

Let me know if you're interested.....just reply to this message and we can
take it to email.

just me

I be interested


Larry said:
If anyone is interested, I think my captain still has the Raymarine
Sensor in fine condition we replaced with the Raymarine Smart Heading
Sensor (with the gyrocompass sensor) in "Lionheart". He mentioned to me
wanted to sell it. If he hasn't found it a home, I can ask him again for
price that will replace your fluxgate problems. This is a full real
compass sensor with self-calibrating data output. All you do is turn slow
in a circle over a few minutes and it calbrates itself. I think this is
the NMEA model, but I could be mistaken and it would be Seatalk. They

Let me know if you're interested.....just reply to this message and we can
take it to email.


We use the B&G compass sensor for primary. It works better with the B&G
Network Pilot electro-hydraulic autopilot Lionheart has now.


Subject: Re: Raymarine autopilot problem
From: "just me" <[email protected]>

I be interested
Cap'n Geoffrey will email you at the prime4 address as soon as he gets
free. You two can haggle it out...(c;

Rupert Nagler

just said:
I have a 7001 smart pilot and a RL80CRC at the helm on my sailboat.

Everything worked well for about a year and then one day with the autopilot
on, the helm went hard to port. I quickly put the autopilot on standby and
brought the boat back on course. When I looked at the plotter, the image of
the boat was showing the boat going sideways thru the water.

I went back and re-calibrated the autopilot and that corrected it.

During a two day sail, the second day it did it again. Has anybody
experienced this? Any ideas of what's going on and how to fix it?
experienced this behaviour on 3 different boats.
2 times the power connections to the autopilot-computer where too small,
rewiring it with 4mm2 strong wires helped
1 time problem was solved thru software upgrade (changing chip in