Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Raspberry Pi Element14 COMPLIANCE TESTING Update


Don McKenzie


Frequently Asked Questions about Raspberry Pi

UPDATED AT 8:51 am GMT 26 March

Q. What is the latest update ?

A. COMPLIANCE TESTING - Over the weekend, Raspberry Pi provide us with
an update on the compliance testing needed for the Model B boards.
Originally, they had intended to defer compliance testing until the
release of the cased educational boards. But, as demand has been so high
for even the uncased version, we've agreed that this testing should
happen now instead of later. Raspberry Pi did a first trial run in a
test chamber and will have a detailed technical update for us in the
next few days. It is still too early to say what this will mean for
deliveries and we hope any impact will be minimal. The first batch of
boards are due to arrive in the UK this week. We are working closely
with the guys from the Raspberry Pi Foundation to understand how this
compliance testing will impact delivery dates for our customers and the
impact, if any, on future orders that were originally expected to be
delivered in April, May and June. We will communicate to all of our
Raspberry Pi customers in the coming days once the testing is underway
and we have a clearer picture. To view the full raspberry Pi update by
Eben Upton, please click here:

Don McKenzie


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Frank Buss

Don said:
happen now instead of later. Raspberry Pi did a first trial run in a
test chamber and will have a detailed technical update for us in the
next few days.

Sounds suspicious. You'll get the result immidiately when you do the
test, so they would have wrote "success", and you can even try to fix it
on the spot, e.g. adding ferrite rings, if it failed. Maybe the test
failed and now they are thinking about how to say it to the customers or
how to implement workarounds?

Nico Coesel

Frank Buss said:
Sounds suspicious. You'll get the result immidiately when you do the
test, so they would have wrote "success", and you can even try to fix it
on the spot, e.g. adding ferrite rings, if it failed. Maybe the test
failed and now they are thinking about how to say it to the customers or
how to implement workarounds?

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