Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Rascal Alarm Problem Help Please!

Hi, I am having a problem with my house alarm its a Rascal+ I havent long moved in and tried to set it the other day for the first time. I entered the code with all the doors and windows closed and it emitted a tone but the FX light stayed on. I didnt like to leave it too long in case the bell went off. Should the FX light stay on? The card by the alarm which gives the operating instructions says the FX is the front door.

It only has two zones - Zone 1 is the kitchen door and Zone 2 is my lounge. Its a wired system and my landlady doesnt know how it works either. I cant see any connectors on the front door at all, but there are some over the kitchen door and the lounge door and windows.

Can anyone advise me please? I would be very grateful for some assistance as I would like to use it if possible. Also whilst writing someone said I should change the battery in the alarm as it hasnt been changed in a long time. Is this something I can do myself?

thanks alot

I'm just guessing with only your description to go by.
It SOUNDS like you don't have a sensor on your front door. It may have been removed,
or depending on previous owner, maybe never installed. The FX light is probably
telling you that the front door sensor is not working (because it's not there).
I would try to trip the zone 1 & 2 alarm, just to make sure those two work.
(Yes, batteries in those alarm systems are usually only good for a year. It should be
If Zone 1 & 2 work. You can look on-line or from the manufacturer for a manual, and
see if you can connect a sensor to the front door, to complete the alarm package.
Some people don't alarm the front door, because that's what they always use to come
and go, and frequently forget to disable the alarm when they come home. So it's
just a nusiance thing for them. Other people use a separate front-door alarm, for the
same reason. When they come home they just want to turn-off the front-door alarm
If you don't see a sensor on the front door, you don't have one.
p.s. Are there any motion detectors elsewhere in the room, that the previous owner
may have been using to monitor the front door only?
rascal problem

Hi, thank you so much for your assistance, its very kind of you.

I asked my landlady and she doesnt think the front door ever had one on - so thats rather strange because the fx light is coming and staying on and it definitely says front door on the piece of paper with the alarm.

is there any way I can use just zone 1 and 2 without alarming the front door do you think? I only ask because I know its not something I could do and I would have to pay for that to be done.

Also, and sorry to be a pain, where can I find out what type of battery is required? I am frightened of undoing the front to find out because someone told me that all hell will let loose and I wont be able to stop the alarm sounding!

many thanks again,


p.s. no monitors at all and I looked at the wiring again and there are definitely no connectors on the door or any marks from where one might have been so it looks as though there never was one on it!
The BURGLARS are supposed to be afraid, not you.
Make sure you know how to turn the alarm off (or ask the landlady), and try it.
I'm guessing the previous owner had it working, or they would have had the landlady
get it working.
Whoever wrote the piece of paper maybe PLANNED on alarming it, and then didn't.
Take a drink if you need to work-up the courage. When you know for sure how to
turn the alarm off, experiment till you check the system out. An alarm tech you'd
pay would do the same thing themselves.
If you trip the alarm, just turn it off. (And try again).
Somebody has to change the battery, and the manufacturer knows it.
Don't be afraid to take the cover off and look for it.
If you don't see any visible screws, then you just pry the cover off with you hands or
a screwdriver. (The base of the system is screwed to the wall, but the cover will come
off of it).
If all else fails. And the alarm sounds, and you don't know how to turn it off:
Hold a towel over the thing to keep the noise down, and get the battery out of it.
If it's powered by house wiring and the battery is just a memory backup (and you
don't think you can turn it off, flip the circuit breaker in your dwelling to silence it until
you disconnect the alarm, or figure it out).
If you know somebody electrically handy, ask for some help. Most people are more
than willing to help if they think that YOU'LL think their smart for their ability.
Good luck
Thank you for all your help - I will definitely have a go at the weekend at taking the front off and follow your advice about replacing the battery. I think it must be one connected to the mains though because my landlady says the previous tenant didnt use it and she was here for three years.

One last question and I will stop bothering you!

is there any way I can use just zone 1 and 2 without the fx light coming on? How can I stop it doing that? I dont want to go to the expense of alarming the front door if I can help it. The house wasnt advertised as having an alarm so if I want to use it I will have to pay for doing it myself.

thanks alot,

If you can find the company on-line, you should do it. They can answer your questions
and maybe supply you with the manual for your unit (on-line or in print).
A lot of these alarm systems have a remote control (which I'm guessing you don't
have). It's possible the fx light is looking for that remote.
I can't tell you for sure, but the manual will tell you.
The manual will tell you about the fx light. Whether having it lit would cause the alarm
to sound or not.
Heck. The fx light might even be telling you if the alarm has power or not, or even
if your alarm battery is low. Only the manual knows for sure.
If you can't find the manufacturer, Google your alarm system name (model number
if you have it), and see what people wrote about it. You may get the answer there.
My guess is, that if the memory battery is low, you might have to follow the manual
instructions to reprogram it to receive the zone 1 & 2 signals.
(And if the zone 1 & 2 sensors are wireless, you'll have to replace the batteries in
those also) Most battery units run on 9v batteries readily available.
Sorry I'm not familiar with your unit and am guessing here.
The manual is your best help, and you should be able to find it on-line.
The people you find on this site are generally very helpful (Even though I wasn't much
help to you on this specific problem, not knowing your alarm system).
If you have other questions, there's no inconvenience in asking for help.
Most of the people here look for challenges in electronic problems. We learn more
by listening to problems, and enjoy thinking of solutions for them.
I'd check your post from time to time. It's always possible somebody will see your
post, actually have or know about your particular system, and can give you exact
instructions about what to do.
Good luck on solving your questions without having to pay somebody to do it.