Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Rail Gun


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Look for capacitors with the highest ripple current rating you can.

Even better, look for capacitors designed to be used with xenon flash as they are designed to handle the huge discharge currents.
Thanks. That was pretty helpful. Were kind of on a budget though. Do you think we could still get substantial power from 350 v capacitors, or only two 400 v capacitors?
How many 250 v 400 uf capacitors would i need to equal the power output of three 400 v 22000 uf.

Please give me any input you have so I don't melt my face off.
The energy in a capacitor is C * V^2/2.
3 * 400 *400 * 22000E-6 /2 = 5280J

N * 250 *250 * 400E-6 /2 = 5280J
N = 5280 *2 /250/250/ 400E-6 = 422.4 say 420

This is all rather simplistic and the efficacy of the capacitors will depend on the resistances and inductances of the circuit.