Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Radio frequency interference with digital medical systems!

Dear friends,

I have designed a medical physiotherapy system and I need to use a foot-switch to trigger a special operation. My design includes using a wireless foot-switch. I have designed the foot-switch myself using the following RF modules:
- DRA886RX
- DRA887TX
The carrier frequency on these modules is 433 MHz. The circuit includes MCUs, digital part, ADC reading, etc. I was wondering if you know any good source where I could find any possible problems that using such a high frequency may cause in terms of electromagnetic interference (or any other) and how to eliminate them.

Best regards


hi there,
you really don't need huge font size ... I have resized it

how about linking to those specific modules so we can see their specifications
and then telling us more about the rest of your project. how it is built, shielded etc

433MHz is used by lots of devices, car keys, door bells etc. Interference could cause lack of operation or incorrect operation.
I heard of a radio amateur who switched on his 70cm transmitter and blocked all the radio car keys in the supermarket car park.
The M1 motorway runs past the now mostly dismantled Rugby radio station, the rescue services used to tow faulty vehicles a few miles up the road.
It is very difficult to protect against interference. The whole gubbins must be shielded but will have a hole in it for the aerial and the output connections.