Maker Pro
Maker Pro

radar.bob -

Hi - would like to introduce myself. Am new, so please bear with me until I get used to things.
LIve in Dartmouth UK- retired marine radio/radar tech. Good at most things electrical.

Understand we have to do this, b4 we can ask any questions, or reply.


Welcome to the forums @radar.bob :)

Sounds like an interesting job you had! Funnily enough, I'm off to a radar museum in Norfolk next month :D.

I also wanted to give a friendly pointer about one of your other posts - you'd made a reply to a thread that was several years old saying that you couldn't assist. I know it was meant with good intentions, but if a thread is many years old then it's generally not worth replying to with info like that. I suspect that as the forum is new, you many not have seen the original post date that would indicate the age of the thread.