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Questions DVD disc media

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oxidizing agents present in the air, such as muriatic acid vapor and sodium hypochlorite 2,5% vapor, enter the DVD disc and start corrosion of the metal layer and the dye and the inner layers?
I don't know the science. I DO know that movies/games on disc won't last forever.
You should get plenty of years of use out of your collection, and hopefully your movies/game system will become obsolete before the discs deteriorate, but they're not something that are designed to last indefinitely.
My kids were big into copying music onto CDs when the capability first appeared, and commercial discs last a lot longer, but the
ones my kids made way back when, are turning-up inoperative, one-by-one, now.
Another ridiculous topic. If these were present in the air in that significant a concentration, you'd be in the hospital already from lung damage, with no concerns about how long your old DVDs will last because they will still outlast you.

SO, clearly you are more important than DVDs, so I recommend putting yourself in an air-tight container with some silica gel.
My doubt is in relation to muriatic acid vapor and sodium hypochlorite vapor
active chlorine 2.5% and
trichloroacetic acid 70% vapor I did not apply these products directly on the mdisc dvd and dvd-r but I was handling the discs and at the same time in the bathroom next door someone was using these 3 products and I thought they evaporated and went down to over the discs and penetrated into the mdisc dvd and dvd-r starting to corrode the internal layers of metal and dye
Again, if it is that damaging to discs, you need to protect yourself first. Post a pic of yourself sealed in an air-tight container, otherwise we are just distracting and delaying you from taking this necessary step for your protection.

A saner person would just insist that damaging vapors not be released into the living area or would evacuate the area with a fan, but so far there is no indication that there is any problem besides your fixation on decay and doom, which self-isolation in an air-tight container will also solve.
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