Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Question regarding Lumin Disk and aluminum foil.

I don't know much about electricity, but I was curious what happens when you place a Lumin Disk on top of a sheet of aluminum foil?

I tried it out and touching the edge of of the foil shocked me. That made me curious what exactly was happening with the electricity and if it is dangerous to be around.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The device operates from a very high voltage. Some of that charge is leaking out and accumulating on the foil (it forms half of a capacitor).

When you touch it, you discharge the capacitor through yourself.

It is unlikely to be dangerous, but may be a little uncomfortable.

You may find that if you hold a metal object in your hand (like a metal pen, or something like that) that you can disharge it without discomfort. You may even be able to pull a small arc from it. If you can feel it while you're discharging it this way then there is more energy stored than I imagine.