Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Question on transfer function equation



Hi again!

I was reading the following link:

In page 16-12 (Figure 16-12) they are showing a first order
non-inverting low pass filter. I tried calculating the transfer
function and came up with the following:

Vo / Vin = (1 + R2/R3) / ( s*C1*R1 + 1 )

Their transfer function is:

Vo / Vin = (1 + R2/R3) / ( wc*s*C1*R1 + 1 ), wc = omega sub c (I think
this represents the cut off frequency).

My question is: how did they get wc?


Andrew Holme

MRW said:
Hi again!

I was reading the following link:

In page 16-12 (Figure 16-12) they are showing a first order
non-inverting low pass filter. I tried calculating the transfer
function and came up with the following:

Vo / Vin = (1 + R2/R3) / ( s*C1*R1 + 1 )

Their transfer function is:

Vo / Vin = (1 + R2/R3) / ( wc*s*C1*R1 + 1 ), wc = omega sub c (I think
this represents the cut off frequency).

My question is: how did they get wc?


Your transfer function is correct. They are wrong.


MRW said:
Hi again!

I was reading the following link:

In page 16-12 (Figure 16-12) they are showing a first order
non-inverting low pass filter. I tried calculating the transfer
function and came up with the following:

Vo / Vin = (1 + R2/R3) / ( s*C1*R1 + 1 )

Their transfer function is:

Vo / Vin = (1 + R2/R3) / ( wc*s*C1*R1 + 1 ), wc = omega sub c (I think
this represents the cut off frequency).

My question is: how did they get wc?

It's a mistake. s = jwc


The Phantom

Hi again!

I was reading the following link:

In page 16-12 (Figure 16-12) they are showing a first order
non-inverting low pass filter. I tried calculating the transfer
function and came up with the following:

Vo / Vin = (1 + R2/R3) / ( s*C1*R1 + 1 )

Their transfer function is:

Vo / Vin = (1 + R2/R3) / ( wc*s*C1*R1 + 1 ), wc = omega sub c (I think
this represents the cut off frequency).

My question is: how did they get wc?


It's not wc (omega times c); it's omega sub c. Go back and read page
16-2, where they say:

"For a normalized presentation of the transfer function, s is referred to
the filter's corner frequency, or - 3dB frequency, w sub c, and has these


The said:
It's not wc (omega times c); it's omega sub c. Go back and read page
16-2, where they say:

"For a normalized presentation of the transfer function, s is referred to
the filter's corner frequency, or - 3dB frequency, w sub c, and has these

Yep, I actually wrote down wc = omega sub c. Thanks for pointing out
that page. I'm going to re-read it again and see if I can understand
it. I'm not too comfy about s = sRC. To me, it's like saying 1 = 1*2*3.

The Phantom

Yep, I actually wrote down wc = omega sub c. Thanks for pointing out
that page. I'm going to re-read it again and see if I can understand
it. I'm not too comfy about s = sRC. To me, it's like saying 1 = 1*2*3.

I would definitely agree. I would have made up a new symbol for the
normalized s, something like s' or s sub n or something. It's very bad
practice to use the same symbol for two different things!

I think I would just rewrite all the pertinent equations with a different
symbol for normalized s before I tried to follow the analysis.