Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Question on Printed Circuit Boards and gauge size



I was recently playing around with a breadboard using 22 gauge wire, I
guess the best wire choice for my breadboard.

If I were to buy a "canned" version of a printed circuit board, what
gauge wires do they allow? I was hoping of converting my breadboard
circuits to 16 gauge or 18 gauge wire. Are there printed circuit
boards that accept this larger gauge?

I am also looking for a high quality enclosure (box) for this project,
maybe 7 x 4 x 2 inches. Do you have any quality sources I can look
into? Do the enclosures come with a canned version of a PCB that fill
fit and be screwed down in the enclosure?

Thank you all, and have a great night,.

Peter Bennett

I was recently playing around with a breadboard using 22 gauge wire, I
guess the best wire choice for my breadboard.

If I were to buy a "canned" version of a printed circuit board, what
gauge wires do they allow? I was hoping of converting my breadboard
circuits to 16 gauge or 18 gauge wire. Are there printed circuit
boards that accept this larger gauge?

I assume you are referring to the holes that you would solder an
external wire into - any decent PCD CAD program should allow you to
place holes of any reasonable size on the board.

If you are referring to the width of tracks on the board, again, any
decent PCB layout program should allow you to specify the track width
(and many board makers will allow you some freedom in specifying
copper thickness.)