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Question capacitor

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Harald Kapp

Depends on the state (age, bad, very bad, unusable) of the capacitor, the current available to reform it and possibly other parameters.
In my experience if the capacitor can be reformed at all, one hour is sufficient. If after one hour it could not be revived, it is beyond hope.
Usually I prefer to replace bad (electrolytic) capacitors. Even if you can reform them, they'll have lost capacity. You never know for sure how that's going to affect the circuit.
I have electronic devices stored (CRT TVs, Snes PS2 Slim consoles and other electronics from the early 90's) I read that if I don't use these devices constantly the electrolytic capacitors will fail due to disuse loss of capacitance depolarization etc but I wanted to find out which one is the maximum range allowed without use and without this risk?

without use is the chemistry of the electrolytic capacitor changed? isn't there a rule for all manufacturers?

a person had told me to keep them on 24h to fully activate the electrolytic capacitors

Harald Kapp

Connect the devices to mains power at least every two years for 24 hours or more.
Even then you cannot avoid that the electrolytic capacitors dry out over time and will have to be replaced sometime. Depending on the quality of the capacitors used, environment (temperature, humidity), usage etc. the need for replacement will come sooner or later. The range being from maybe only 2 years for low quality capacitors used at high temperature up to 10 years or longer for high quality capacitors.
I have ever over these two years but is this for the worst quality electrolytic capacitors? how is this measured?

24h need all this time?

I will not constantly use only stored
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