Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Question about building small device with touch sensors

What exactly would one need to just create a basic touch sensor that would send a command/signal to the PC via usb cable ? Kind of like a game controller. Actually, make it multiple touch sensors like some of those square force sensitive resistors over at adafruit (just a square pad slightly larger then a quarter). So something like each sensor plugs into a single board which has a usb cable wired into it as well. Can it be that simple ?
It's what goes between the sensor and the USB cable that is complicated.

You can buy a USB GPIO board that has analog inputs, this might do the trick.

What exactly would one need to just create a basic touch sensor that would send a command/signal to the PC via usb cable ? Kind of like a game controller. Actually, make it multiple touch sensors like some of those square force sensitive resistors over at adafruit (just a square pad slightly larger then a quarter). So something like each sensor plugs into a single board which has a usb cable wired into it as well. Can it be that simple ?
Yes, it can.

I would suggest using a capacitive touch sensor, such as this five-channel unit, along with a small, no-frills Arduino-like board such as this one to process the touch sensor state and report it to the host PC over USB.

The rest is a SMOP (Small Matter Of Programming).