Maker Pro
Maker Pro

quadrature singal

Hi folks, I am working on a big project. One of the most important steps is to produce sin and cos (quadrature singal) singal. The singal must be low-noise and the frequency of the two singals can be controlled by computer, i.e.

computer (gives a votalge V)--> circuit --> analog sin(A*V*t) and cos(A*V*t)

the votalge given by the computer is between -10 and 10 V. And A is some constant factor determined by the circuit.

can we do that?:)
Hi folks, I am working on a big project. One of the most important steps is to produce sin and cos (quadrature singal) singal. The singal must be low-noise and the frequency of the two singals can be controlled by computer, i.e.

computer (gives a votalge V)--> circuit --> analog sin(A*V*t) and cos(A*V*t)

the votalge given by the computer is between -10 and 10 V. And A is some constant factor determined by the circuit.

can we do that?:)

Be careful not to produce too much sin, :eek: you will have to ask Jesus to forgive you, if you want to go to heaven. ha
Sine waves I know. Cosines, not much. Someone smarter than me will have to help you on that. :D
westpoint said:
The expected frequency is 20KHz and it should be very stable with less than 1Hz noise. And A is just some factor, so A*V is around 20KHz.

So the real problem is not quadrature generation but rather building a very stable voltage-controlled oscillator. From your answer I gather that the VCO signal is not sin(A*V*t) but instead sin(A*{K+V}*t)=20khz where K>>V.