Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Quad and Tri shield coax



Can anyone tell me the difference between Quad and Tri shield coax?
I know that it has an extra layer of shielding, but as all the shields touch
I can't see what difference it makes.


I understand that, but if they are all touching wouldn't they act as one

Fred Ferd

Ralph said:
I understand that, but if they are all touching wouldn't they act as one

Wouldnt 5000 meters of layer of lead act as if it just a film 0.1mm thick ??

NO, the thickness sets the impenetratability for EM.

Yeah I thought the benefit of extra shielding would be improved by having
the layers insulated from each other, but thats not so. maybe because it
increases capacitance to do that.

Terry Given

Ralph said:
I understand that, but if they are all touching wouldn't they act as one

yes, but a thicker layer. *IF* they are in good electrical contact.
Often they are not, and the contact resistance is a lot higher than the
longtitudinal resistance of the shield.

A good reference is:
Cable Shielding for EMC, A. Tsaliovich, Chapman Hall, ISBN 0-442-01425-2

the maths is a little bit crunchy, but can safely be ignored - his
waffly stories are excellent, and the graphs of shield transfer
impedance (for a variety of shield combinations) carry a wealth of
useful data.

maybe. depends on the execution of each shield, eg weave coverage, braid
angles, foil pitch & overlap etc, blah blah blah. Many ratshit shielded
cables exist, and many multiple-shield cables are not worth the money.
