Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PWM - pic18f4550 - led + potentiometer

Hello. I'm doing my first program with pwm and am encountering some difficulties to do a small project. I want to vary the voltage of an LED as the turning of a potentiometer. However, the examples I found are with PWM own libraries, which I have not. I'm using a PIC18F4550 in MPLAB X.
If anyone can help me, I will be very grateful.
The "Library Routines" are these (available in MikroC):

I can use these in MikroC but do not know what to use to program the MPLAB.
Forget the library, just write your own code. You will learn so much more, or do you want to be one of these people that do such exciting projects they talk about but in reality they just used a bunch of libraries and copy and pasted some code from the internet?

setting up the PWM should take you maybe an hour or two.
setting up the ADC to read the potentiomenter, probably 30 minutes.
tweaking some numbers, maybe another hour.
that's a very conservative estimate, in other words you can do it.
i myself could do the whole thing in probably 15 minutes or less. finding the right libraries and learning how to use them would actually take me longer... just some thoughts.