Maker Pro
Maker Pro

puzzling grounded input



In this circuit:

Why is the other end of RV1 grounded?



yeah, like everybody says, and you're on the right track with your
input impedance idea; tacking the far end to ground stabilizes the
input impedance so that the input signal is well behaved with respect
to where you set the pot at. on the other hand, if you just had a
variable resistor in series, like with the thing ungrounded, the input
signal source seeing a wildly changing impedance both in value and in
reactivity (from mostly resistance to mostly capacitative) will very
likely change its frequency response etc, unless it's nicely designed
to ignore that kind of thing.

Jasen Betts

One quick question regarding the labeling conventions of the resistors in
the schematic. Why are some labled this way: 1K5 or 2K7

Is that 1.5K , 2.7K ohms? Makes sense, I just haven't seen that before.

Exactly right. one reason for this is it makes printed schematics
easier to read.

Look at C5 if I scale the schematic to "125%" the '.'
almost disappears, by using a letter instead of a '.' the values are
more easily read, (they could have labeled C5 100nF, I don't know why
they didn't)

they should have used vector graphics instead of pixels for
the schematic then it would scale better - but that's a different

also the font they chose has the '.' skewed to the left which is
