Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Puzzled by PC monitor

Hi all. always looking for a bargin, big fan of using old stuff. Picked up a small pc monitor yesterday, only £ 2 quid, small unit, clean and tidy, got it home fired it up, a green hue to the screen, so ive some idea how to correct this, so i did, also focus ajustment needed doing, finished, end result a usable tidy small monitor. a question, what would have caused the image drift that i corrected, and is it likely to reacure, used it for a few hours with no problems. Any ideas would be a good insight. Dave


Assuming you are talking about a CRT monitor NOT a LCD monitor, you dont say

that is often ( specially when its an old monitor) due to the RED gun starting to fail and the pic starts becoming green.
See how much red there actually is in a pic, preferably use a colour bar test from the computer ( find one online) make one in paintbrush.
you may have adjustments for the 3 guns on the small PCB on the neck of the tube.
tweek the red drive a little and see if it brings things into balance

Monitor fix

Hi Dave.
Yes its a CRT, i opened it up and tweaked the adjusters, presets on the back of the tube, i know a little about CRT stuff, so picture balance color restored, the focus was out, so i tweaked that as well.

Its been a while since i brushed up on TV / CRT theory, but some of its come back.
I expect i wont know the state of deterioration of any of the three electron guns until ive used it some more, or for longer. After the fix it was still ok 5 hours or so later, but if its deteriorating, signs might take longer to show i expect.

But i got a feeling your right, my correction will probably be short lived.
Some times i like the idea of a bargain, some times it pays of, other time not so.
Dave. :)