Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Prototype Project - Need Help in the Northern LA Area




I'm currently working on a project to build an machine that uses
Impact Sensors (Tekscan, Interlink, any other inexpensive suggestions?)
to register the user's force of impact and convert the incoming analog
data into an electronic format for storage and data calculations. The
system will be able to run a number of pre-programmed routines that
control multiple analog outputs (LEDs, Sound Components, Etc) and
output statistical reports of a user's use during their session.

The force sensors would be mounted on a 8" diameter vertical tube
with a elastomer padding covering the sensor(s) for impact absorption
and protection. The system would need to register the force applied
directly by a user and activate an analog device to notify the user
they have reached or exceeded certain limits set by the system.

I'm looking for a small company or an individual in the Northern
LA area that is interested in helping build a prototype of this

The person needs to be willing to work one-on-one with me through
the prototyping stage. Please don't reply to this message with, "Well
I can build it for you for X thousands of dollars" because frankly, I
don't have that kind of money to spend on this. I can afford to spend
some money on the cost of development, but that would have to be worked
out on a personal basis with someone interested in the project, not
just the money.

If this sounds like a project you're interested in, please feel free to
reply to this post. I will be relocating from NY to LA the first half
of February and I would really like to get this project underway.

Thanks a ton,

- Jace