Maker Pro
Maker Pro

prototype PCB supplier-PCBCORE



pcbcore@ said:
[SPAM] China[SPAM]- Òþ²Ø±»ÒýÓÃÎÄ×Ö -

- ÏÔʾÒýÓõÄÎÄ×Ö -

We are a professional PCB supplier, JeffM, you don't use our service
before how can you say we are a bad vendor, it's not a responsible
practice, right?
Welcome to our website, only who use it before could
judge us. Thanks.

He's not saying you're bad, just an unwanted email in this newsgroup.......

Sjouke Burry

pcbcore@ said:
[SPAM] China[SPAM]- Òþ²Ø±»ÒýÓÃÎÄ×Ö -
- ÏÔʾÒýÓõÄÎÄ×Ö -

We are a professional PCB supplier, JeffM, you don't use our service
before how can you say we are a bad vendor, it's not a responsible
practice, right?
Welcome to our website, only who use it before could
judge us. Thanks.
You are judged by your spamming a _non_sale_ newsgroup.
That makes you an a-social creep.
pcbcore@ wrote:
[SPAM] China[SPAM]- Òþ²Ø±»ÒýÓÃÎÄ×Ö -
- ÃÔʾÒýÓõÄÎÄ×Ö -
We are a professional PCB supplier, JeffM, you don't use our service
before how can you say we are a bad vendor, it's not a responsible
practice, right?
Welcome to our, only who use it before could
judge us. Thanks.

   Good vendors don't advertise on newsgroups were it is forbidden by
its charter.  You are therefore a bad vendor in all the sci.electronics
groups.  Most people keep a list of all spammers and refuse to buy from
them.  Also, anyone using a hotmail or other throw away email account is
highly suspect. most of the fraud online is committed by people who use
these types of accounts.

   was created specifically
for advertising.

--, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account:

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.

Oh, my god, it's too terrible, I didn't come sci.electronics
groups before and have no idea of it, at the very beginging I just
think it's electronic forum and want to
recommend our company to pcb users, look at what I did, definitely I
am an idiot. I will not do that again.


Oh, my god, it's too terrible, I didn't come sci.electronics
groups before and have no idea of it, at the very beginging I just
think it's electronic forum and want to
recommend our company to pcb users, look at what I did, definitely I
am an idiot. I will not do that again.

Also use a proper news provider with a real email address at your domain.

You have zero credibilty otherwise. In fact it will only guarantee people are LESS
likely to use you.


Mike Harrison

pcbcore@ wrote:
[SPAM] China[SPAM]- ?????????????? -
- ?????????????? -

We are a professional PCB supplier, JeffM, you don't use our service
before how can you say we are a bad vendor, it's not a responsible
practice, right?
Welcome to our website, only who use it before could
judge us. Thanks.
You are judged by your spamming a _non_sale_ newsgroup.
That makes you an a-social creep.

FFS get a life.
People whinging about on-topic product announcements are far more annoying than the messages that
caused them.
Also use a proper news provider with a real email address at your domain.

You have zero credibilty otherwise. In fact it will only guarantee peopleare LESS
likely to use you.


Got it, thanks for all your explainations.


">>> We are a professional PCB supplier, JeffM, you don't use our service
FFS get a life.
People whinging about on-topic product announcements are far more annoying
than the messages that
caused them.

I agree.... :)


">>> We are a professional PCB supplier, JeffM, you don't use our service

I agree.... :)

With the decline of local PCB manufacturing, I am becoming rather
dependent on
Asian PCB sources, so any info about them is appreciated, especially
those who
do quick turn around prototypes. My only criticism of this guy is that
while the online
price estimator works fine (and produces rather decent prices) it
gives no indication
of shipping prices. I get bored rigid by those who would noisily deny
me this useful
information in the interest of claiming some sort of moral high

DJ Delorie

moby said:
so any info about them is appreciated,

I suppose you appreaciate all the male enhancement information you get
in your inbox, as well as the mortgate opportunity phone calls you get
during dinner.

The charter for this group does not permit advertising, regardless of
whether you appreciate the info or not. There's a separate newsgroup
for advertising, join that if you want this type of info. It doesn't
belong *here*. It belongs *there*.

JeffM, please keep up the good work. People like you help keep this
newsgroup, and others, focused on their allowed topics.


moby said:
With the decline of local PCB manufacturing,
I am becoming rather dependent on Asian PCB sources,
so any info about them is appreciated,

So, to review:
This vendor has showed you he has the ethics of a sewer rat
and the business acumen of an 8 year old
yet you think it's a good idea to tie the fortunes of your venture
to these clueless parasites.
When your boards show up late and wrong
and they try to charge you more than the estimate,
remember this day.

....and as DJ said in translating my post,
there are **proper** places and methods for advertising.

....and there are people who advertise on Usenet with every post
--while they PARTICIPATE in the ongoing discussions.
It's called a sig and *that* is acceptable.
So, to review:
This vendor has showed you he has the ethics of a sewer rat
and the business acumen of an 8 year old
yet you think it's a good idea to tie the fortunes of your venture
to these clueless parasites.
When your boards show up late and wrong
and they try to charge you more than the estimate,
remember this day.

...and as DJ said in translating my post,
there are **proper** places and methods for advertising.

...and there are people who advertise on Usenet with every post
--while they PARTICIPATE in the ongoing discussions.
It's called a sig and *that* is acceptable.

JeffM, before I post, I even don't know what's the usenet, when I
found it's not allowed to advertise, I feel sorry for it, really.
But I must clear that we are not clueless parasite, we are not sewer
rat, we are an good supplier, the only problem is that
I not use domain email and post in an unwelcome place. So please don't
criminate our company again, it's just my mistake, not our
company. Thank you. I even don't understand what's the meaning that
you say "It's called a sig and *that* is acceptable."


pcbcore said:
JeffM, before I post, I even don't know what's the usenet,
I already covered your cluelessness.
Your ignorance is NOT a valid excuse for spamming.
[...]we are not clueless parasite, we are not sewer rat,
Your behavior indicates otherwise.
Your FIRST instinct was to SPAM. You clearly are a cheater.
Since you don't *naturally* know how to conduct yourself,
I suggest you enroll in a course in Business Ethics.
Make sure it covers the topic
"Advertising is a cost of business--just like rent and utilities".

As the subject of proper behavior seems foreign to you,
perhaps you will need to start with a course in Personal Ethics.
I even don't understand what's the meaning that you say
"It's called a sig and *that* is acceptable."
I suggest, before you post to any place on the Internet again,
that you MAKE THE EFFORT to find out.
....and a sig wouldn't make any difference in your case anyway;
you have NOTHING of value to post to this group.

In addition, find out what exactly consitutes "SPAMMING".
It appears what passes for acceptable behavior in China
is VERY different from the rest of the world.
....or maybe I'm wrongly accusing a culture
and it's just that there are thoughtless creeps like you everywhere.


JeffM said:
pcbcore said:
JeffM, before I post, I even don't know what's the usenet,
I already covered your cluelessness.
Your ignorance is NOT a valid excuse for spamming.
[...]we are not clueless parasite, we are not sewer rat,
Your behavior indicates otherwise.
Your FIRST instinct was to SPAM. You clearly are a cheater.
Since you don't *naturally* know how to conduct yourself,
I suggest you enroll in a course in Business Ethics.
Make sure it covers the topic
"Advertising is a cost of business--just like rent and utilities".

As the subject of proper behavior seems foreign to you,
perhaps you will need to start with a course in Personal Ethics.
I even don't understand what's the meaning that you say
"It's called a sig and *that* is acceptable."
I suggest, before you post to any place on the Internet again,
that you MAKE THE EFFORT to find out.
...and a sig wouldn't make any difference in your case anyway;
you have NOTHING of value to post to this group.

In addition, find out what exactly consitutes "SPAMMING".
It appears what passes for acceptable behavior in China
is VERY different from the rest of the world.
...or maybe I'm wrongly accusing a culture
and it's just that there are thoughtless creeps like you everywhere.

You're a pig ignorant git, and worse than the original poster. May god
forgive you at the pearly gates.. What's worse is you hide behind an
anonymous email address, yet you complain that the OP posted behind the
same. Let him who casts the first stone springs to mind.
Go and crawl back under your stone.


"> So, to review:
This vendor has showed you he has the ethics of a sewer rat
and the business acumen of an 8 year old
yet you think it's a good idea to tie the fortunes of your venture
to these clueless parasites.
When your boards show up late and wrong
and they try to charge you more than the estimate,
remember this day.

I use a pcb supplier from China......more than 10k boards in 2 yrs.
They've never been late
They've never been wrong
They've never tried to charge more
They're certainly not clueless
They're certainly not parasites
They have always been polite and courteous, which is something you have yet
to grasp. You really are a sad person. What has made you so bitter and
I've never looked back :)


TT_Man said:
You're a pig ignorant git, and worse than the original poster.
....says the guy who patronizes spammers.
The problem isn't actually the spammers.
The problem is people like YOU that make spam profitable.
[...]What's worse is you hide behind an anonymous email address,
yet you complain that the OP posted behind the same.
If you think that is true, blockquote where you think I said so.

My complaint is against the spamming.
Go and crawl back under your stone.
....says the guy who patronizes spammers.