On the RCA CTC169, et al RCA chassis, they use R(4)xxx resistiv
designator assignments on their schematics, with the 4 being omitted o
the chassis PCB screened markings .So, I'm definitely not seeing an
R3U assigned as a valid designator on that line side raw DC powe
supply's resistive parts list . Never- no- somehow, upon visua
examination of an old "parts" retiree '69 chassis, now I do see tha
R3U marking, all off by itself, just to the side of the SMPS ferrit
cored power transformer T(4)102, on its side towards the PWM controlle
IC, U(4)101. Otherwise, there are four 1 watt film resistors used i
that SMPs's closed area. Two are mounted in the X-Y plane of the PC
and two are set askew a bit. Two being in blue bodied casings and tw
in pale green. Using your "given" initial digit 1 visual, the only tw
of the 4, that might fall in that category, would be R(4)149 which i
a 1.2 ohm 1 watt unit. It supplies the run voltage derived from th
SMPS's secondary (after initial start up) to the discrete totem pol
driver xstrs for the chopper xstr, and also, the full time run voltag
for IC, U 4101's Vcc supply.
How- some- ever, I can't see its failure (an overload opening) excep
in the case of C(4)118 a 470 ufd/35VDC being bad, or the crunching o
its derived supply rectifier diode CR(4)101 that comes off term #13 o
chopper power transformer T(4)102.
The second of the four resistors that would have a primary 1 digi
would be the blue "askew" resistor that is floated just above th
aforementioned resistor. It is the chopper transistor (Q(4)101'
(mounted on the adjacent small heat sink) emitter current limitin
resistor. It is a mere .18 ohm resistance of a 1W metal film type. Fo
further ID info , you might check the individual end terminatons of th
mystery res and pass back the info as to R/C/L parts designators tha
are also commonly connected to its two end junctures.
73's de Ed