Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Project with computer controlled motor speed

Hi All!

I am working on an project that requires computer controlled speed of a motor.

I have a specific idea but have very little electronics knowledge. Through some advice from friends I have purchased some parts and would like some advice about connecting them.

I have 1 x roboclaw speed controller

1 x 24V 20A PSU

1 x 350w brushed scooter motor

I also have some standard Australian 3 core electrical cable to run between them.

So would like to connect these three items to have computer controlled speed on the motor. So I don't go and electrocute myself can anyone recommend a beginners guide to electronics so I can better understand amperage and voltage and effectively connect these three items confidently? Alternatively if someone could step me through the process that would be terrific!

Thank you.

Harald Kapp

The datasheet of the controller shows the required connectioons of battery, controller and motor on page 6.