Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Project help wanted


In fact this is more than just Help! I already have an online selling platform and I'd like to buid a product to sell on it. A retail product that is basically like a battery powered surveillance camera with good quality images that need to stream on a residential wifi. But I am not a tech guy so I need someone to design the product according and give me an idea of the components and the BOM.

My question is: who could do that for me?

Well first you will need to define some things such as what you consider to be good quality images. What you want for battery life. Once you have those basics down you need to find yourself an electrical engineer and they will help design something that will likely not be efficient as live streaming on a battery for residential purposes is just not practical. After you have paid him and realize that the budget needed to compete with the home surveillance companies is just too large you can then look at buying from an manufacturer and selling as most retailers do. But hey what do I know it could be the next Amazon!
Thanks.I'll try to find an electrical engineer. I know battery is not optimal but product will be away from power source.

And it's not for a surveillance system. Same basic technology but different specific retail application. But maybe it'll end up not making sense either, just won't know until I try.

Thanks again.
Wi-fi cameras are already in existence. The majority are 'powered' though (no battery) as the power levels required to sustain permanent wi-fi distribution of live images is beyond a practical battery solution. Certainly they COULD be used but the battery pack size and recharging thereof makes the idea impractical.
Seems like you are trying to solve a problem that does not yet exist...put the cart before the horse so to speak.

I would certainly be checking to see if such a device has not already been invented, patented and marketed.