Maker Pro
Maker Pro

programming in assembler for an LCD

hello everyone,

i have to attach an LCD to my microprocessor aduc841 and i need the
code in assembler to display information on the LCD. does anybody know
where i can get this code from???

Pooh Bear

hello everyone,

i have to attach an LCD to my microprocessor aduc841 and i need the
code in assembler to display information on the LCD. does anybody know
where i can get this code from???

Why do you need it in assembler ? Can't afford a compiler ?

Different LCDs require different drive methods anyway so there's no
universal code. You'll have to work it out for yourself.


Rene Tschaggelar

hello everyone,

i have to attach an LCD to my microprocessor aduc841 and i need the
code in assembler to display information on the LCD. does anybody know
where i can get this code from???

An LCD usually means a few lines of ASM code from
the datasheet.Not that the RESET command usually
takes its time.


Pooh Bear

hello everyone,

i have to attach an LCD to my microprocessor aduc841 and i need the
code in assembler to display information on the LCD. does anybody know
where i can get this code from???

Israeli poster for a change.


John Fields

hello everyone,

i have to attach an LCD to my microprocessor aduc841 and i need the
code in assembler to display information on the LCD. does anybody know
where i can get this code from???

petrus bitbyter

hello everyone,

i have to attach an LCD to my microprocessor aduc841 and i need the
code in assembler to display information on the LCD. does anybody know
where i can get this code from???

FAIK the micro you mention is a 8052 derivative. But micros usually do not
contain an LCD. So if you're using some kind of development board, its
manual should tell how to write data to the LCD.

If not, you can find the micros datasheet on the net which will include the
instructionset. Guess you already have an assembler. But... You will also
need to have a datasheet of the LCD containing at least a good description
of its interface (both hard- and software.) Besides so need to know what
connections between and micro and LCD exist. (Apparently they are connected
already.) When you have collected this things, it's time for some hard
labour to write the code you need.

petrus bitbyter

Ian Bell

hello everyone,

i have to attach an LCD to my microprocessor aduc841 and i need the
code in assembler to display information on the LCD. does anybody know
where i can get this code from???

Check out the code examples at



hello everyone,

i have to attach an LCD to my microprocessor aduc841 and i need the
code in assembler to display information on the LCD. does anybody know
where i can get this code from???

Call LCD_Display_Routine{Display_String}

Do Stuff

