Okay, you haven't gotten many straight answers, so I'll
take a stab.
No, your circuit won't work. The LM339 is a comparator;
it'll oscillate in that circuit. The MOSFET might
oscillate too.
You can use an LM339 as a lousy op-amp, but it'd be
better to just use a decent op-amp. Or an LM317.
You'd get more sensible answers if you showed input and
output nodes and said something about your goals
and needs (accuracy, range, power output, load, etc.)
James Arthur
Well, I figured since you guys are so intelligent you would be able to
figure out what is going on. It is suppose to be a comparator and not
an op amp. It is not a difficult circuit to understand. Seeing how
rude the people are here it's not even worth trying to explain. I'll
come back in another two years and maybe the trash will have been
taken out. If anyone can't figure out the circuit then maybe they need
to go to sci.electronics.basic and hang out for a while. The circuit
works fine in practice and I'm not sure what your talking about with
oscillation. The comparator should oscillate to some degree and with a
bit of built in hysteresis it should be fine. Do you seriously thing
that the opamp/comparator matters? That alone tells me either you guys
don't care to pay attention and just want to be jerks. I used the
lm339 because that is what multi-sim had. Abstract thinking is
important but I guess they don't teach that in repair school? See you
guys in two years, hopefully you will have grown up by then.