Maker Pro
Maker Pro

program to burn hex files to picstart plus



Since I gave up on the homebuilt programmers I have been happy
with MPLab and pickstart plus (USB OLIMEX job),
but now I have a hex file that I would like to burn ...
Is there anything like ICprog(2.04G) that supports this programmer
(heh, and without all those privileged instruction warnings)?

Thanks, Sam

Rich Webb

Since I gave up on the homebuilt programmers I have been happy
with MPLab and pickstart plus (USB OLIMEX job),
but now I have a hex file that I would like to burn ...
Is there anything like ICprog(2.04G) that supports this programmer
(heh, and without all those privileged instruction warnings)?

I haven't PIC'd in a while, so I don't have an answer but would point
you to asking this on comp.arch.embedded or alt.microcontrollers.8bit if
you're not able to get an answer on the s.e groups. (c.a.e is fairly
active; a.m.8 is so quite it hardly ever even gets pr0n spam)

Paul Probert

sambo said:
Since I gave up on the homebuilt programmers I have been happy
with MPLab and pickstart plus (USB OLIMEX job),
but now I have a hex file that I would like to burn ...
Is there anything like ICprog(2.04G) that supports this programmer
(heh, and without all those privileged instruction warnings)?

Thanks, Sam
I use picp, works great. Get the linux version at, a windows version can be
found at

Paul Probert