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Problems with MAC version of LTSpice 1V..

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Use of LTspice on a MAC - experiences.

Electronic Engineer

Today, 11:53
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Hi All

I have been trying to install and use LTspice 1V on my MAC computers. Here is my experience:

The 2016 version does not use or need the WINE system as it is written to work directly on the intel PC MAC.
I can install it onto both my MAC 15 Deskpro (2010 version) and the MAC Air (2012 version) and it works OK with programs that others have written in terms of developing circuits and simulating them on the MAC computers.
You need to use mouse right click to get at most commands and does not support much in the way of top of the screen drop down menu items (File Edit and a couple of other items but simulate is not up there now.
To get at the simulator and editing commands you need to use mouse right click and access commands from there.

It you try to build your own circuits you can do this and they build fine. Reading some tutorials you can (on a windows PC) open the Simulate menu item at top of the screen and go to edit simulation CMD then simulate the circuit. So it appears to work on a PC.

I tried a few things with the MAC version:
  1. Draft -> SPICE directive S and typed in tran 0 5 0.02 then pressed OK to get this entered onto my circuit (did this) but on when RUN pressed - or mouse right button. the same problem happened - 'no analysis commands found' message appeared.
  2. I then tried accessing the software update and it came back with a message 'Unmounted failed for /volumes/LTspice Installation' so it seems to be not allowing new circuits to be developed, only existing ones.
So I wonder if you have tried this version on your own MAC computer and have any idea what the problem is? Or perhaps someone else has?
I still do not have a PC but sometime soon will try to install Parallels on my MACs then try to get Windows 10 installed and try the Windows version.
Still it would be nice to see if the MAC version can be got to work.
Finally, I think their might be an LTSpice update on the 1V version but have not come across it yet?

Would be interested in anyone who has seen this problem and has a workaround.

I have worked as a Electrical/Electronic Engineer most of my life (over 50 years) and covered a fair few things over that time (Analoge/Digital/ verilogHDL/VHDL/Programming in Assembly/C/C++/occam).
Including FSM based design, and wrote a couple of books to.



[Mod edit: removed a bunch of blank lines to improve readability]
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Harald Kapp

Draft -> SPICE directive S and typed in tran 0 5 0.02 then pressed OK to get this entered onto my circuit (did this) but on when RUN pressed - or mouse right button. the same problem happened - 'no analysis commands found' message appeared.
I don't have the MAC version of the software. I can offer to check your circuit with the Windows version if you upload the ASC file.

Finally, I think their might be an LTSpice update on the 1V version but have not come across it yet?
The current version is LTSPICE XVII.
Use of LTspice on a MAC - experiences.

Electronic Engineer

Today, 11:53
Sent Items

Hi All

I have been trying to install and use LTspice 1V on my MAC computers. Here is my experience:

The 2016 version does not use or need the WINE system as it is written to work directly on the intel PC MAC.
I can install it onto both my MAC 15 Deskpro (2010 version) and the MAC Air (2012 version) and it works OK with programs that others have written in terms of developing circuits and simulating them on the MAC computers.
You need to use mouse right click to get at most commands and does not support much in the way of top of the screen drop down menu items (File Edit and a couple of other items but simulate is not up there now.
To get at the simulator and editing commands you need to use mouse right click and access commands from there.

It you try to build your own circuits you can do this and they build fine. Reading some tutorials you can (on a windows PC) open the Simulate menu item at top of the screen and go to edit simulation CMD then simulate the circuit. So it appears to work on a PC.

I tried a few things with the MAC version:
  1. Draft -> SPICE directive S and typed in tran 0 5 0.02 then pressed OK to get this entered onto my circuit (did this) but on when RUN pressed - or mouse right button. the same problem happened - 'no analysis commands found' message appeared.
  2. I then tried accessing the software update and it came back with a message 'Unmounted failed for /volumes/LTspice Installation' so it seems to be not allowing new circuits to be developed, only existing ones.
So I wonder if you have tried this version on your own MAC computer and have any idea what the problem is? Or perhaps someone else has?
I still do not have a PC but sometime soon will try to install Parallels on my MACs then try to get Windows 10 installed and try the Windows version.
Still it would be nice to see if the MAC version can be got to work.
Finally, I think their might be an LTSpice update on the 1V version but have not come across it yet?

Would be interested in anyone who has seen this problem and has a workaround.

I have worked as a Electrical/Electronic Engineer most of my life (over 50 years) and covered a fair few things over that time (Analoge/Digital/ verilogHDL/VHDL/Programming in Assembly/C/C++/occam).
Including FSM based design, and wrote a couple of books to.



[Mod edit: removed a bunch of blank lines to improve readability]


Today, after a year or so, I tried to update my LTspice (same version as yours) on my MAC OS10.9.5 and got exactly the same failure as you mentioned in detail a number of times! In my case, after failing the unmount in the script, it simply starts the update process by checking and downloading the asc elements, etc., but after about 3 minutes or so suddenly crashes and exits! upon restart of the App, it again states that I haven't updated my App for 269 days and so on and so forth!

I thought it was my setup at first but I think it's a LT spice issue. The MAC version doesn't look and feel as accomplished as the PC version (unfortunate).

I don't have a solution but thought to let you know that you're not alone in seeing this issue.

I am also an electronics engineer (cellular band TX and RX) and have been around the block a few times in my time.

I have experienced the same problem No analysis request found. But I figured out I was doing a simple mistake. You guys may not be doing the same but just thought of letting you know. After filling all the values and pressing ok, you would have to tap on the screen. Else the command wont be actually pasted and when you run it, it says no analysis request found. So if you see in the last screenshot there is no command actually pasted, hence the error.upload_2020-5-11_19-1-58.pngupload_2020-5-11_19-4-22.pngupload_2020-5-11_19-4-31.png
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