Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Problems with door alarm system and cell backup package



I have had multiple problems with door alarm security plus the cell backup
package set up by a national company for the last one month.

Initially zone 3 was giving them false alarm even though the alarm system
was not activated. They came and changed the cell back up panel, the problem
remained and then they reprogrammed the cell backup, problem remained and
then they replaced the door alarm system panel. Now they are getting
communication problem signal between the tower and the radio on premise.

The dealers told me they have to install an antenna and if it doesnt work,
they will remove the whole system and refund me the money.

Anybody know what the freaking problem is and do I have to have an antenna
installed to get the cell backup working ?

Can a local alarm installer do a better job than this national company and
if so whats the best way to find a local installer who can install the
system including the cell backup package without signing a long term
contract for 2 years.

If a national company failed to get the alarm system working in my apartment
complex, would a local dealer be able to get the cell backup working without
any problems ?


Does the antenna have to be placed outside the apartment ? If so, doesnt the
cell backup package become useless since anybody can steal or make the
antenna outside inoperable ?


How come the national company was not able to solve this problem so long. I
have been having these multiple problems with the door alarm system and cell
backup package for the last 4 weeks. They never got the system to work
properly without any problems.


Zach said:
How come the national company was not able to solve this problem so long. I
have been having these multiple problems with the door alarm system and cell
backup package for the last 4 weeks. They never got the system to work
properly without any problems.
which company are you dealing with and what city are you in? does your
cell phone work at the place of the alarm?

Allan Waghalter

No, the antenna does not necessarily go outside. It is simply a higher gain
antenna than the little antenna that comes with the cell radio. When
dealing with radio, you sometimes can move a transmitter or receiver by a
few inches and receive an entirely different result.

Allan Waghalter

The big boys have good techs and poor techs. I suspect you got someone
without much experience. Call back and talk to the installation manager.
He will get someone to make it work. Just for the record, which "National"
company are you dealing with?

Robert L Bass

Does the antenna have to be placed
outside the apartment ?...

Not usually.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
941-866-1100 Sales & Tech Support


ADT dealer.

Allan Waghalter said:
The big boys have good techs and poor techs. I suspect you got someone
without much experience. Call back and talk to the installation manager.
He will get someone to make it work. Just for the record, which
"National" company are you dealing with?


Joe said:
which company are you dealing with and what city are you in? does your
cell phone work at the place of the alarm?

ADT dealer and my cell phone works fine.


Joe said:
which company are you dealing with and what city are you in? does your
cell phone work at the place of the alarm?

I live in Chicago, do you want to join me for a drink

Allan Waghalter

You are welcome. When you ask a legitimate question, you will get
legitimate answers.... from all of us!


I did ask legitimate question last month but everybody attacked me instead
of responding to my security questions.

Mark Leuck

Hmm could it be due to you telling people the NSA is fucking their horny




Could it be due to you pissing and shitting in your pants when you hear the
words FBI, CIA and NSA ?


McGinn said:
I did ask legitimate question last month but everybody attacked me instead
of responding to my security questions.

you asked a scyzo question,about a totally absurd possibility ...

here's the part that hurt the most,....

(quote) from original post "Is swann security good enough" on Tues, Jun 13
2006 6:39 pm
I am doing this to protect myself from being harmed by the big brother. Its
a one bedroom apartment with one door and two windows.

Anybody here who really values our constitution and human rights, please
help how I can make it as hard as possible for the big brother crooks from
getting inside my apartment. Any suggestions about ex-fbi or CIA agents
practicing as private investigators with extensive knowledge in bug sweeps
in the sanfrancisco area would also be very helpful.

(end of quote)

if you would have not post that part of the message you would have had reply
from almost all of us with good info,but since your post make all of us
think that you don't take all your pills,especially the lithium one,we don't
loose our time on such idiotic question,now go on with your rant telling me
I am the fbi too...Shhhheeee!


the one that is pissing in his pant is you,every damn night......
Big brother is here to catch you!