I am constructing and simulating a full-wave rectifier circuit using
the PSpice software. The circuit consists of an ac source, 4 BJTs in a
bridge design, and a resistor and capacitor connected in parallel
after the bridge. An input probe is placed near the ac source, and an
output probe is placed at the junction between the resistor and the
capacitor. The output waveform shows a desired dc voltage. However,
the input waveform fluctuates between +9.2011V and -835.622mV, and not
the required +/-10V. How can I get an input waveform of +/-10V? When I
connect the ac source to a separate (and simpler) circuit, the input
waveform shows +/-10V. Why is it that the input waveform can change
with different circuits?
the PSpice software. The circuit consists of an ac source, 4 BJTs in a
bridge design, and a resistor and capacitor connected in parallel
after the bridge. An input probe is placed near the ac source, and an
output probe is placed at the junction between the resistor and the
capacitor. The output waveform shows a desired dc voltage. However,
the input waveform fluctuates between +9.2011V and -835.622mV, and not
the required +/-10V. How can I get an input waveform of +/-10V? When I
connect the ac source to a separate (and simpler) circuit, the input
waveform shows +/-10V. Why is it that the input waveform can change
with different circuits?