Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Problem with GEM-P3200 and phone service

Greetings! I have a Napco GEM-P3200 which has been trouble-free for
many years. Last week I ran into trouble with the phone service in my
house. Basically after 4 rings on incoming calls, the line would go
dead. My answering machine was set to pickup on the 5th. ring, so I
never got any messages.

I thought the was with the answering machine, so I purchased a new one,
only to find that the problem persisted. I unplugged all phones and
answering machines and the problem was still there, but when I
unplugged the P3200, the probem went away. I retested a few times and
now know conclusively that the P3200 is the problem.

I checked all of the connections and they seem fine. I was hoping that
there was some sort of modem board on the unit that I could easily
replace, but it looks like the modem is integrated onto the circuit
board. Do I have any options other than to replace the entire unit?
If not, how difficult is it to move the programming from the old unit
over to the new one?



Allan Waghalter

Your panel is programmed to answer in four rings. You should have your
dealer program it for 10 rings and your problem will go away. If you don't
have a dealer, contact me off the group and I will upload your system and
make the change for you.


Sir, I don't know Napco panels at all. In fact, I wouldn't know one if it
fell off the shelf and hit me on the head. However, if Napco works like most
other panels, the installer has the answer count set for four rings. Simply
have him dial in and reset it to 8 rings, so your answering machine can pick
up on 5 rings.

If your alarmco has to get in, they can activate "answering machine
override" to get in ahead of your answering; 2 rings, hang up,
dial back and panel answers the line after the first ring....or Napco's
version of the same sort of thing....

The reason the line goes dead, is the panel is answering the phone line and
excluding the telephones on that line. That is the way it is supposed to

Home Security Metal Products
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Greetings! I have a Napco GEM-P3200 which has been trouble-free for
many years. Last week I ran into trouble with the phone service in my
house. Basically after 4 rings on incoming calls, the line would go
dead. My answering machine was set to pickup on the 5th. ring, so I
never got any messages.

I thought the was with the answering machine, so I purchased a new one,
only to find that the problem persisted. I unplugged all phones and
answering machines and the problem was still there, but when I
unplugged the P3200, the probem went away. I retested a few times and
now know conclusively that the P3200 is the problem.

I checked all of the connections and they seem fine. I was hoping that
there was some sort of modem board on the unit that I could easily
replace, but it looks like the modem is integrated onto the circuit
board. Do I have any options other than to replace the entire unit?
If not, how difficult is it to move the programming from the old unit
over to the new one?



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