Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Problem with epson printer's motherboard

Morning everyone
i have a problem with my printer epson tx121, when i plug in the Cable power(AC), the power supply will sound off the beep continuously and the printer won't turn on, i has been checked the power supply with plug into the other epson printer that same vendor and printer with my problem's printer and the power supply run normally, so i guess the main problem is on the motherboard.
the question, whether the diode on motherboard affect the beep? and how to check the diode to prove that short or not?

deeply thanks for your reply
The beep is to tell you something is wrong. Making the beep go away isn't going to
fix the problem.
Do you have the owner's manual, or can you download it on-line?
Before you go messing with the motherboard, you should check the most obvious potential
problems listed in the troubleshooting guide of the printer first.
A switch that tells the printer all the covers are closed, or paper-feed, or some other
switch could be faulty, making the beeping.
Look for the owners manual, and go through the troubleshooting guide before trying to
repair the electronics on the motherboard.
@shrtrnd ok thanks for your replay and suggestion, i think this is a fatal error because even the manual book didn't note any kind of error like that so better i just take it to service centre.
thanks again for your reply
Good idea. I like my Epson printers a lot. The service center will be able to tell you
whether to fix it or go with a new printer. On the occasions when I've had a problem,
I Google the make/model/problem, and see what others may have found as a possible
problem. So far, it's saved me the trip to the service shop.