Maker Pro
Maker Pro

problem with a paradox esprit 738 express


I bought a house which already has an alarm system (Paradox esprit 738 express). On the keypad, it indicates that the zone 8 is open, I look at the controller and can't identify zone 8 on the terminal block, I only see 7 zones. Does anyone has any idea of how this zone is wired?


I don't know, but I had an alarm system years ago, that listed the remote control unit as one
of the zones on the alarm system.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Yeah, just look a little to the left...

Yep, that's right. Do you see that? It's hidden under the other thing.

Honestly, how can we help you? We can give you some ideas.

1) The alarm is capable of 8 zones but only 7 are wired and the alarm simply reports the unwired one as open.

2) The 8th zone has it's wiring going to another terminal block that you haven't found yet.

3) The 8th zone is wireless and the battery at the other end has gone flat. At the other end the battery will be very well hidden because it has a 10 year life and the installers assumed you would never need to change it (I mention this because it was *exactly* a problem someone had here some time ago)

Getting an expert to look at it (the original installers?) is not a bad idea since you are talking about the security of your house...