Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Problem tuning old TV to VCR - Advice Needed



I have this small screen old General Electric TV and I'm trying to connect a
VCR to it. It seems that you can receive the standard TV channels only on
the prescribed numbers - like Channel 7 will be on the 7 dial on the TV. I
was wondering if there is a reserved channel on the TV to connect to the
VCR. I hope I'm explaining myself properly - thanks for any help.

Phil Allison

I have this small screen old General Electric TV and I'm trying to connect
VCR to it. It seems that you can receive the standard TV channels only on
the prescribed numbers - like Channel 7 will be on the 7 dial on the TV. I
was wondering if there is a reserved channel on the TV to connect to the
VCR. I hope I'm explaining myself properly - thanks for any help.

** Depends on the TV set.

Some old ones did, some did not.

How about you pull your finger out and TRY the channels the VCR uses for

........ Phil

matt2 - amstereo

Paul said:
I have this small screen old General Electric TV and I'm trying to connect a
VCR to it. It seems that you can receive the standard TV channels only on
the prescribed numbers - like Channel 7 will be on the 7 dial on the TV. I
was wondering if there is a reserved channel on the TV to connect to the
VCR. I hope I'm explaining myself properly - thanks for any help.

most vcr's use the UHF channel 36 to output the signal. many old teles
only did vhf (0 - 12)


Thanks guys I found the VCR on the UHF channel. This TV is pretty old and
yet still looks great to watch. Regards

Phil Allison

Thanks guys I found the VCR on the UHF channel.


What a fucking macaroon !!

" The UHF channel"' - as if there is only one !!

Piss off Fool.

........ Phil


yor an idiot - for yor information only one channel is set to UHF on this
Some old TV sets were like this.

Phil Allison

"Paul Fucking Top Posting ASS" "

yor an idiot - for yor information only one channel is set to UHF on this

** With rotary TV tuners, the UHF band is tuned by a separate knob.

Some old TV sets were like this.

** If YOU were not such a COLOSSAL FUCKING ASS - you would have
posted the model numbers of the TV and VCRs in question.

Piss off - bloody MORON !!

......... Phil


It's got nothing to do with the VCR, and the problem was solved by advice
from a proper person in this group and not an ignorant guy like you.
Furthermore, on this TV the UHF channel is tuned from the same knob as the
other frequencies so this proves how dumb and arrogant you are.


Thanks Rudolf - I fixed the problem when somebody told me to search the UHF