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Principles of relays [Understanding Textbook]

Greetings experts in electrical engineering. I need your help in visualizing how a circuit would look like after a 'short circuit' event. Reading Electric Relays - Principles and Applications, I got confused about the statement highlighted in the attachment below. Modern electromagnetic current and voltage relays are connected to the secondary side of current transformers and in the event of a short circuit the current flows through both the current transformer and the relay. My question is how will the circuit look like in this case and why 1600A flows through both the primary and the secondary of the CT? If our relay is connected to the secondary what short circuit current flows through it?
Yes - I'm just as puzzled, looks like some bad translation or something.

It probably should be expressed in a different way, I'll assume something like this ". . . . current of about 1600A flows through the CT". Anyway - the last part of the sentence doesn't make sense because the relay will always "see" the secondary current of the CT's.