Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Power supply - Magnetek 3855-80-1

I have searched everything I can think of to search and come up empty as to how to get this PS to power up. It has some pins that measure at 3v or 5v but no 12v and the fan never comes on. My theory is that the PS is designed to only go to full power when it is in its cabinet. I have several of these and would like to be able to use them for projects (to be named later).

I know about enough electronics to recognize some parts and put kits together if I have a good schematic. I am looking for someone that might know what I need to do to get this to 'come on'. Please don't waste a lot of time on this but if you recognize the part and/or know the secret I would appreciate the help. Thanks for your help and your patience.



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hi there
welcome to EP

I'm assuming, without further details, that this is a PC PSU ?
that just happens to have a different connector style ?

If so, then PC PSU's have a PS_ON line ... Power Supply On
Grounding this line allows current to be drawn from the power rails

your mission is to find info on that PSU and its connections so you can identify the PS_ON rail in the output connector
