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Power meter recommendations

  • Thread starter Sean O'Leathlobhair
  • Start date

Sean O'Leathlobhair

Not quite a repair question but I guess that some of you out there
will know.

I would like a power, or more accurately an energy, meter. I want to
measure the consumption of various domestic appliances such as TV
(running and in stand-by), fridge etc. In some cases, this is easy to
calculate from the published ratings but in others, especially the
fridge, it is hard or impossible.

I don't want to measure peak or instantaneous consumption but the
total energy consumed or average power consumption over a long period
such as 24 hours or a week.

The ideal device would be one that could pop in between the plug and
the socket as some RCCBs can.

Does anyone know of such a device? If so, how much do they cost and
where can I get one? On the where question, answers in the vicinity
of Birmingham or London UK would be most appreciated.

Seán O'Leathlóbhair

Gerard Bok

I would like a power, or more accurately an energy, meter. I want to
measure the consumption of various domestic appliances such as TV
(running and in stand-by), fridge etc.

I don't want to measure peak or instantaneous consumption but the
total energy consumed or average power consumption over a long period
such as 24 hours or a week.

The ideal device would be one that could pop in between the plug and
the socket as some RCCBs can.

There is a device on the market that does most of that (even peak
measurements). It uses continental style sockets though.

It is sold by Conrad / Voltcraft under the name Energy Check 3000
and would set you back some 20 pounds.
Most references are either in german or some exotic other
language, but at least the manual is in english :) at
(The top one in the list)
(It's the device in the front; the othe one is slightly more

Peter Duck

In message <[email protected]>
I would like a power, or more accurately an energy, meter. I want to
measure the consumption of various domestic appliances such as TV
(running and in stand-by), fridge etc. ...
I don't want to measure peak or instantaneous consumption but the
total energy consumed or average power consumption over a long period
such as 24 hours or a week.
The ideal device would be one that could pop in between the plug and
the socket as some RCCBs can.
Does anyone know of such a device? If so, how much do they cost and
where can I get one? On the where question, answers in the vicinity
of Birmingham or London UK would be most appreciated.

Brennenstuhl make one that does exactly what you seem to want (plus a
few other things, like calculating the cost)

I got one from Maplin about a year ago, when they had a 'half price(?)'
offer: then £14.99 including VAT & post/packing.
Haven't a current catalogue (you should find it on,
but the item was described on my order-receipt as "Socket with Wattage
and Current Meter", ref. number L61AG.

Sean O'Leathlobhair

Peter Duck said:
In message <[email protected]>

Brennenstuhl make one that does exactly what you seem to want (plus a
few other things, like calculating the cost)

I got one from Maplin about a year ago, when they had a 'half price(?)'
offer: then £14.99 including VAT & post/packing.
Haven't a current catalogue (you should find it on,
but the item was described on my order-receipt as "Socket with Wattage
and Current Meter", ref. number L61AG.

Thanks. I browse the Maplin shop occasionally and have not noticed
these devices. I should have thought of consulting the catalogue but
it is pretty big and sometimes it is hard to find the item I want. I
need to think of alternative ways that the item may have been

I just went to the Maplin site. The good news is that the listed
price is only £9.98, the bad is that it is discontinued. I will
search again to see if there is a replacement.

Seán O'Leathlóbhair

Peter Duck

In message <[email protected]>
I just went to the Maplin site. The good news is that the listed
price is only £9.98, the bad is that it is discontinued. I will
search again to see if there is a replacement.

Shame: at risk of 'rubbing salt in the wound', I'll say that it seems a
nice piece of kit.
I wonder whether the makers discontinued it, or just that it didn't sell
briskly enough for Maplin.

On the box, it's described as 'Wattage and current meter' Art.-Nr 1
506213, though the 'Directions for use'-booklet calls it 'PM 230
Electricity meter'.
There's an e-mail address [email protected]: they may well also have
a website with details of their range and even a list of stockists ...