This is the power board from a samsung monitor/tv. The thing stopped working completely with a bit of a bang, so I figured no harm to have a go as an enthusiastic newbie. I got a bit stuck now, so I thought I'd ask for advice here before I throw the whole thing in the bin.
On opening the case it was clear that the resistor at A had blown, you can see the residue on the board, so I replaced that. The capacitor at C was slightly bowed outwards at the top, so I replaced that. All the other capacitors look fine. On putting the thing back together and switching on fuse B blows. I have tried replacing also capacitors at D, and the fuse at B blows still.
What should I try now? My assumptions are that it is most likely to be a fault on this board - is that a reasonable working assumption or could something broken in another part of the monitor entirely cause these sort of symptoms?
Is it reasonably safe to test this board in isolation by connecting it to the power and trying a voltmeter on the output cables in the bottom right corner which seem to be marked +15v and ground. What other diagnostic checks are worth doing?
On opening the case it was clear that the resistor at A had blown, you can see the residue on the board, so I replaced that. The capacitor at C was slightly bowed outwards at the top, so I replaced that. All the other capacitors look fine. On putting the thing back together and switching on fuse B blows. I have tried replacing also capacitors at D, and the fuse at B blows still.
What should I try now? My assumptions are that it is most likely to be a fault on this board - is that a reasonable working assumption or could something broken in another part of the monitor entirely cause these sort of symptoms?
Is it reasonably safe to test this board in isolation by connecting it to the power and trying a voltmeter on the output cables in the bottom right corner which seem to be marked +15v and ground. What other diagnostic checks are worth doing?