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Maker Pro

Post your Crazy and Amusing Stunts Here


Of the more underappreciated gifts from our friend, electricity, are the awesome pranks, hilarious accidents and other crazy things that we can do with it, and laugh with our friends about in the pub.

I dont really have too many examples myself but a couple of childhood ones that spring to mind are the time my friend and I tried to make an arc welder in his house from 2 pencils plugged into the mains after seeing it in an episode of wonder woman (old style fuse boxes back then, not easy to replace...)

Then there was the time when I was about 8 years old I think and was having fun with multivibrators. I thought it would be amusing to put one with a flashing red LED in an egg box and pretend it was a bomb - so I took it to the local shop, put it with the other eggs and told the woman behind the counter it was a bomb. Luckily she didnt believe me, could see everything and knew me pretty well anyway but holy crap just think what would happen in today's climate. You'd probably get shot on sight for something like that :p