Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Possible PIC project


Trevor Wilson

The boss wants me to make a timer for her exercise regime. It needs to flash
a LED and/or make a sound every 12 seconds, then every 5 seconds (or
something like that). I was going to choose a couple of CMOS 555 timers, but
then I thought this could be a good way for me to learn about PICs. I've yet
to make the plunge into mucking about with them, so what are the thoughts?
PIC or 555s? It's not urgent.


Have a look at picaxe.
Skim over the breathless hype and these pages will give you a good idea of
what picaxe can do.
The picaxe 08 and 08M have a wide range of applications. The project you
mention would need about ten lines of code.
Altronics, amongst others, sell them.
I have become an enthusiastic convert in the last couple of weeks, and like
all converted enthusiasts, I want to spread the word.

David L. Jones

The boss wants me to make a timer for her exercise regime. It needs to flash
a LED and/or make a sound every 12 seconds, then every 5 seconds (or
something like that). I was going to choose a couple of CMOS 555 timers, but
then I thought this could be a good way for me to learn about PICs. I've yet
to make the plunge into mucking about with them, so what are the thoughts?
PIC or 555s? It's not urgent.

A PIC will be more versatile.
If you just want the job done with least fuss, then PICAXE is the
easiest and cheapest way. Can be programmed with flowcharts if needed.

If you want to learn "real" PIC's then you'll need a programmer. I'd
recommend a genuine Microchip programmer, the PICkit2. Cheap, works
with MPLAB or standalone, and you can get ZIF socket adapters for it
(it's an in-circuit programmer on it's own).

What software experience do you have?
PIC assembler is really not that fun, and I'd recommend C if you have
the experience.
There is BASIC too if that makes you more comfortable.
A PIC16F88 is a good general purpose PIC chip to use, but anything
will do for this app.
Start by modifying example apps to get a hang of the compile-program
development sequence in the toolset of your choice.
MPLAB will do assembler, and you can get C or BASIC compilers that
plug into MPLAB and use that as an editing environment.
Otherwise you could use say the PIC-C lite software on its own that
generates the .HEX file and then use your programmer software - no
need for MPLAB in that case.

Learn about the configuration fuse bits - a trap for young players.



Trevor said:
The boss wants me to make a timer for her exercise regime. It needs to flash
a LED and/or make a sound every 12 seconds, then every 5 seconds (or
something like that). I was going to choose a couple of CMOS 555 timers, but
then I thought this could be a good way for me to learn about PICs. I've yet
to make the plunge into mucking about with them, so what are the thoughts?
PIC or 555s? It's not urgent.
If you want to do it in assembly I'd go for AVR, a lot simpler for
beginner than PIC. If you want easier approach then there is PICAXE or
Bascom (for AVR). Or C compilers for both. For that size project any
demo code limited tool will work.


Trevor Wilson

Trevor Wilson said:
The boss wants me to make a timer for her exercise regime. It needs to
flash a LED and/or make a sound every 12 seconds, then every 5 seconds (or
something like that). I was going to choose a couple of CMOS 555 timers,
but then I thought this could be a good way for me to learn about PICs.
I've yet to make the plunge into mucking about with them, so what are the
thoughts? PIC or 555s? It's not urgent.

**Update. Thanks for the suggestions. I will look at the PICAXE. I can do
the hardware, the boss can do the software (she, being comfortable with C
programming). I did machine code about million years ago, along with a
smattering of BASIC and FORTRAN. None of which I particularly cared for. She
uses C on a daily basis. She wants her toy, she can get involved. could be
fun. Or there could be tears. We'll see.


Trevor said:
**Update. Thanks for the suggestions. I will look at the PICAXE. I can do
the hardware, the boss can do the software (she, being comfortable with C
programming). I did machine code about million years ago, along with a
smattering of BASIC and FORTRAN. None of which I particularly cared for. She
uses C on a daily basis. She wants her toy, she can get involved. could be
fun. Or there could be tears. We'll see.

When I said there are C compilers for both I've meant PIC and AVR, PICAXE is based on PIC but programmed in Basic (very simple to figure out if you know C) and the propgram is loaded via serial port, there is no need for special programmers.


Trevor Wilson

Tom said:
When I said there are C compilers for both I've meant PIC and AVR, PICAXE
is based on PIC but programmed in Basic (very simple to figure out if you
know C) and the propgram is loaded via serial port, there is no need for
special programmers.

**Ah. Thanks for the clarification.


L.A.T. said:
Have a look at picaxe.
Skim over the breathless hype and these pages will give you a good idea of
what picaxe can do.
The picaxe 08 and 08M have a wide range of applications. The project you
mention would need about ten lines of code.
Altronics, amongst others, sell them.
I have become an enthusiastic convert in the last couple of weeks, and
like all converted enthusiasts, I want to spread the word.

Dont waste your fucking time with picaxe peices of shit. For a cheaper price
you can buy a an atmel avr ISP and 50x 8pin mcu's.

Don McKenzie

Trevor said:
**Ah. Thanks for the clarification.

Picaxe is a great way to go for applications like you mentioned above
Trevor, however you will soon find the limitations if you wish to
proceed onto more involved applications.

have a read of:
and the pic programmers at:

Picaxe will do what you want. Perhaps you could use it to get your feet
wet, as a lot of people do, and if you really want to learn about PICs,
then get something a bit more serious later on.

Cheers Don...

Don McKenzie

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Trevor Wilson

Don McKenzie said:
Picaxe is a great way to go for applications like you mentioned above
Trevor, however you will soon find the limitations if you wish to proceed
onto more involved applications.

have a read of:
and the pic programmers at:

Picaxe will do what you want. Perhaps you could use it to get your feet
wet, as a lot of people do, and if you really want to learn about PICs,
then get something a bit more serious later on.

Cheers Don...

**Thanks Don. I'll peruse your site and see what I can find. I presume there
is a discount for repeat, regular customers? I purchased a 256kB printer
buffer (using second hand memory chips) from you awhile back. I presume
you'll trade it in, as I no longer have a need for it.
