Maker Pro
Maker Pro

position sensing

I want to locate the position of the robot ( x, y coordinates) by using a magnetic sensors with magnets located in the floor. How can i get the coordinate value from these sensors and can anyone suggest which type of sensors or magnetometers i can use?
Hi! :)
The idea of locating a robot by sensing a magnetic field is problematic. Magnetic fields are not very nicely behaved - the direction of a magnetic field is a poor indicator of the direction of the magnet responsible for the field.
The only way i can see to use magnets is to have lots of detectors all through the floor, so that the proximity of the robot to a particular sensor would be detected. Not very precise!
Ahh well then. The problem is reduced to finding you a good sensor. I used to use Sprague UGN 301T's long ago, but I know things have changed. Not for the worse, however!
I predict that one of the guys will soon be along to say the name of today's anointed part, since it has slipped off my tongue for now.

That guy turns out to be me.
I've heard that Allegro A1360, A1361, A1362 are worth looking at in your kind of application.

:) Cheers, Mark
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