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Portugal plans to build world's biggest solar power station


H. E. Taylor

2005/09/14: ClimateArk: Portugal plans to build world's biggest solar power station

Portugal, one of the most oil-dependent nations in Europe, will begin work
on the world's biggest solar energy power station next year, officials said yesterday.

The plant will have 350,000 solar panels spread over 114 hectares near the southern
town of Moura and will be able to produce 62 megawatts, more than six times the
power produced by the largest existing solar power station in Germany.

"The construction of the station will begin in 2006, it is irreversible," Moura Mayor Jose
Maria Pos-de-Mina was quoted as saying by the Lusa news agency.

The plant is expected to be completed in 2009 and will have a total cost of 250 million
euros ($515.2 million).


"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday
is the hope of today and reality of tomorrow." - Robert Goddard

H.E. Taylor

Baby Elian

H. E. Taylor said:
2005/09/14: ClimateArk: Portugal plans to build world's biggest solar
power station

Portugal, one of the most oil-dependent nations in Europe, will begin work
on the world's biggest solar energy power station next year, officials
said yesterday.

The plant will have 350,000 solar panels spread over 114 hectares near the
town of Moura and will be able to produce 62 megawatts, more than six
times the
power produced by the largest existing solar power station in Germany.

"The construction of the station will begin in 2006, it is irreversible,"
Moura Mayor Jose
Maria Pos-de-Mina was quoted as saying by the Lusa news agency.

The plant is expected to be completed in 2009 and will have a total cost
of 250 million
euros ($515.2 million).

250 milions euros are 512 milions $?
Anyway 250 milions euro are too muche for a solar about 70 MWe

William P. N. Smith

Baby Elian said:
250 milions euros are 512 milions $?

No, about $307M USD. Google really is your friend.
Anyway 250 milions euro are too muche for a solar about 70 MWe

Just over $4/watt installed, what's awful about that?

Baby Elian

No, about $307M USD. Google really is your friend.

Just over $4/watt installed, what's awful about that?

It's too much if the capacity factor is no more than 20% (like any solar

William P. N. Smith

It's too much if the capacity factor is no more than 20% (like any solar

Well, I'd argue that the capacity factor of a solar plant should be
derated by the peak solar hours available at the target location, but
that's a detail. Wouldn't the economic efficiency of the plant be the
deciding factor? Would they have built it if it had a negative impact
on their bttom line?


Well, I'd argue that the capacity factor of a solar plant should be
derated by the peak solar hours available at the target location, but
that's a detail.

True, but the point is still valid that $4/watt but only getting about 4.8
watt-hours of energy per watt of capacity per day. For a 20 year life (a
guess at this point), that would be about 8.8 kw-hours per dollar of
up-front investment. Not the greatest energy/$ ratio in the world.
Wouldn't the economic efficiency of the plant be the
deciding factor? Would they have built it if it had a negative impact
on their bttom line?

Well, you would *hope* so, but we are talking about a government body.
Governments sometimes must consider other factors besides just economics.
Sometimes for the betterment of society, sometimes not.


Baby Elian

Tim Keating said:
Portugal has a fairly sunny climate.
Using trackers increases the capacity number to ~40%..

I's physically impossible and anyway it wouldn't be enough to be economical
(not only competitive...)


Tim Keating said:
You're assuming that they aren't using trackers..
Which would roughly double the capacity factor to 40% and the
kWh produced. 16.6kWh per dollar..

True. But tracker systems raise your prices quite a bit above $4/watt, add
annual maintenance costs, reduce reliability and shortens expected plant
Second.. PV's have a life span much greater than 20 years..
20 years is a typical warentee period.. Most of the windows on my
house are 48years old and still fully functional. Thus one should
expect PV panels to last 40 years. 33.2kWh per dollar.

There doesn't seem to be any real track-record for 40 year PV. Your windows
and a PV system are only superficially similar. We'll have to assume the
manufacturer number is closer to current reality. And since you've added
mechanical tracking systems to the mix, you've got to account for those in
plant life.

Fuel cost for NG or Oil is currently 13kWh per dollar and getting
lower by the day. P.S. don't forget to tack in the cost of the plant
and maintenance overhead.

'lower by the day'?? I suspect you meant 'higher'. True, as fuel costs for
fossil rise, PV with its zero fuel cost becomes more and more economically
viable. But $4/watt for fixed PV isn't there yet. How much is the
cost/watt for tracking? And what do you suppose are the annual O&M costs
for a tracking system?
Lastly... in the US, fossil fuel power plants have a utilization
factor which averages less than 50%.

That number is misleading and does not reflect the economics of the capital
costs of capacity. Some fossil plants have a low factor, not because of
equipment issues, but because of economic choice. NG fired turbine plants
have a very high reliability rating, yet are operated as peaking and
regulating plants. On near here is typical, it operates <25% power most of
the time, but remains on standby for loading to 100% in <15minutes. So the
low capacity factor is because of high fuel costs, not equipment maintenance
issues. But a solar plant is limited by physics and sunshine and can *not*
ever reach even 60%. That's a big difference.

Reducing power on a high-fuel-cost plant when demand is low makes sense if
the plant's fixed costs are very low on a per watt basis. The NG plant I
mentioned had an initial price tag of $250M and a nameplate output of 1100
MW. That works out to a capital cost of just $0.23/watt. Yes, it's fuel
costs are high, and getting higher, but at those prices, they can afford to
not operate the plant at full power and still cover their investment.

With solar's very high capital costs, you want to run it as much as possible
to recover that high capital investment. But today, you're still limited by
the number of hours of sunshine in a day. Fossil fuel prices will have to
rise a lot more than they already have to make that kind of price



No, about $307M USD. Google really is your friend.

Just over $4/watt installed, what's awful about that?

I don't know the details about the project, but the 250 Euros is the full
project budget, not only the PV panels and its instalation. This amount of
money includes at least:
- land (part of it is private owned)
- consulting
- permises
- a factory for PV assembling
- a new company settlement to accomplish the project, arrange partnerships,
- and of course PV pannels, its instalation and electric grid connection


John Beardmore

Second.. PV's have a life span much greater than 20 years..
20 years is a typical warrantee period.. Most of the windows on my
house are 48years old and still fully functional. Thus one should
expect PV panels to last 40 years. 33.2kWh per dollar.

That assumes that silicon wafer of sub ppm purity is no more offended by
pollution and contamination than your window glass.

Do you feel lucky ?

Lastly... in the US, fossil fuel power plants have a utilization
factor which averages less than 50%.

Presumably because of demand variation though ?


John Beardmore

I'll take solar over Fossil fuels any day, and twice on sunday,
it's the only way to a sustainable future..

No, not really. But it's one of things that should be in the
sustainable technologies basket.

Cheers, J/.


Tim Keating said:
On Fri, 16 Sep 2005 12:53:21 GMT, "daestrom"

True. But tracker systems raise your prices quite a bit above $4/watt,
annual maintenance costs, reduce reliability and shortens expected plant

Tracker cost drop's significantly with scale of economy and on
site manufacturing.

Should, but has it yet?
Trackers are simple electro/mechanical devices.. Not all that
much to go wrong.. As for reliability and time to repair represents
an insignificant impact.. As for overall lifespan.. No change.. If
anything PV's will last longer since they can be oriented to mitigate
the effects of extreme weather. (high winds, hail, etc..)

Steam turbines are incredibly simple devices. So are centrifugal pumps.
Just spinning rotors mounted on a couple of bearings. Yet they require
maintenance every year or two. Tracking mechanisms have to be lubricated,
cleaned of dirt, bugs, whatever, and be re-aligned occasionally. Moving
parts = maintenance.
There are plenty of PV's used in long term installations... I.E.
Remote data loggers, many of which are still located in urban
locations. (gas, oil lines, etc)..

How many of them have been in service for 30 years without major
maintenance? *That's* the question, isn't it?
And there are reliable techniques to accelerate aging and determine
useful lifespan. (I.E. PV's typical twenty year warrantee's reflect
the results of that testing.)

As NG and Oil costs increase.. their kWh output per dollar DROPS...

Okay, I see how you mean. Yes, as fuel prices rise, the number of kwh
generated per dollar drops.
no more than $0.30 per watt..
Materials used to build trackers are not all that energy

Guess it depends on your idea of 'not all that energy intensive'. But we
were talking costs. A 6 m^2 panel might need 75 to 100 lb of steel, and a
few pounds of copper and other specialties. So an approximately 900 watt
unit takes 100 lb of steel?? (remember, you want this thing to last for
quite a few years). Can you really get a good tracking mechanism for a 6
m^2 panel for just $270??
Nothing misleading... It's a real live number....
Divide yearly output by (total capacity*hours/day*days/year)..

The misleading part is that their capacity factor reduction is by *choice*,
not dictated by physics or plant equipment. Which is what you seem to be
implying when you point out that tracking PV capacity factor is not much
lower than fossil.

A plant that has very low fuel costs, and high capital costs would *choose*
to run 24/7 as a base load unit (which they do). This is exactly what coal
and nuclear do. Base load plants have capacity factors in the 80 and 90%
range. And if the base load in an area won't support running such a plant
24/7, then smart folks don't try and build another one there.

Peaking plants must have a very low $/watt capital cost since they will
*not* be run 24/7. With low capital costs and intermittent operation, they
can have a high fuel cost and still be economical.

The fact that the *average* of a lot of 80-90% base load plants, and 10-25%
peak-load plants is 50% doesn't tell us what the true reliability of a steam
or GT plant actually is.

PV just doesn't have that *choice*. Because PV has a high capital cost and
zero fuel costs, the right 'choice' would be to run it 24/7 also. But
physics and sunshine just will not allow that choice.

Economically, PV has the worst of both worlds. They have a high capital
cost and can only run intermittently, just the opposite of what one wants.
The fact that fuel costs are zero helps a lot, but you still have to pay
back those finance charges, and they can only operate < 50% of the time.

But, they won't operate if they can't get fuel...
Which will be a significant factor in the mid to longer term..
I.E. Neither NG nor OIl avail at any price..

In warm climates like Portugal, demand closely follows A/C usage,
which is a function of sun-light heating the surface.. Which makes
PVc's even more effective..

True. And their other sources of electricity are already very expensive, so
the economics can work for them. But not everywhere is like Portugal.

And it is true that PV's output nearly lines up with peak demand in many
areas (but not exactly, there's a couple of hour difference). So a PV plant
could charge a premium price for their output when its available.
You forgot expensive maintenance costs.
NG turbines don't have an unlimited lifespan, with no more than
ten or twenty thousand hours between EXPENSIVE major overhauls.

As for fuel costs.. they're increasing in leaps and bounds..
US NG costs are already at 8 cents per kWh and increasing..
Note: The above number doesn't represent KG's final cost.. one
MUST pay extra to get the NG delivered..

Short-term 'leaps and bounds' in fuel prices due to distribution and
processing limitations doesn't mean continued long-term prices will continue
to jump around as they have.

Heck, last holiday season, I gained weight in 'leaps and bounds'. If I
extrapolate from my gain between Dec 20th and Jan 3, I was gaining weight at
the rate of 260 lb per year. Statistics can be slippery when you don't use
them carefully.
Tell that to utilities which get no more than 50% utilization from
their current fossil plants..

Again with the disinformation. Utilities get much higher than 50% with
their base-load plants. And they get less than 50% from their peaking
plants. Apples and oranges. Sure, you can claim the *average* is 50%, but
that clouds the real issue. Some of those plants run in the 80-90% range.
It depends on the type and cost of each plant. No PV can ever hope to get
to those levels unless it's in orbit.

To lump all fossil plants together and average their utilization, regardless
of their operational role, is like lumping all modes of transportation
together and saying, "All modes of transportation can only carry, on
average, five passengers." It's technically true, but a meaningless point.
I'll take solar over Fossil fuels any day, and twice on sunday,

And what will you do any night?
it's the only way to a sustainable future..

In your opinion. What about renewable fuel sources, hydro, wind, and other
environmentally friendly technologies? There are a lot of options. PV can
be a part of our future, but there are many technologies to put into a well
diverse mix.



Tim Keating said:
You're assuming that they aren't using trackers..
Which would roughly double the capacity factor to 40% and the
kWh produced. 16.6kWh per dollar..

Second.. PV's have a life span much greater than 20 years..
20 years is a typical warrantee period.. Most of the windows on my
house are 48years old and still fully functional. Thus one should
expect PV panels to last 40 years. 33.2kWh per dollar.


Fuel cost for NG or Oil is currently 13kWh per dollar and getting
lower by the day. P.S. don't forget to tack in the cost of the plant
and maintenance overhead.

Lastly... in the US, fossil fuel power plants have a utilization
factor which averages less than 50%.

Base load fossil runs 80-90%. NG peaking units run as low as 10-25%. Sure
*average* them together and you might come out less than 50%. But such an
average is *meaningless*.

PV cannot ever hope to reach 50% until you put them in orbit. Yet their
capital costs are orders of magnitude higher than peaking plants.


John Beardmore

R.H. Allen said:
That's a pretty safe assumption -- you have to heat a silicon wafer to
several hundred degrees C to get even the fastest-moving contaminants
to diffuse into it.

Then again, it doesn't take much...

At operating temperatures, you're talking tens of thousands, if not
millions, of years of continuous intimate contact between the
contaminant and the solar cell just to get it to diffuse a few
nanometers into the surface. And that assumes the contaminant is
atomic; if it's not, there's pretty much no chance that it will
contaminate the solar cell.

So why do we cover them ?

Aside from that, the solar cells are quite well encapsulated. The only
way for contaminants from the air to reach the cells is for the module
to break. (The encapsulation exists primarily to protect the electrical
interconnections between cells, and to provide mechanical strength and
stability for the panel.)

Well - when I spoke to BP a couple of years ago about the failure
modes, one of their reasons was that pollutants eventually got to
silicon, and another was that their glass became less transparent with

Of course, they may no nothing about it...

Cheers, J/.