Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Portable N64 Help

Looking to make a portable N64. I have been going off of THIS TUTORIAL.
Looks like i need to order a PTH08080was from Texas Instruments. Is there any other way i can do it? with something like THIS?

Also looking for some books for learning more on electronics. I know the absolute basics but not much more. Any suggestions?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The apparently recommended device is a switchmode dc-dc converter. It is a highly efficient way of getting (in this case) a lower voltage from a higher one. The device you're suggesting is a linear regulator which is comparatively inefficient, converting the extra voltage into heat.

You would be best advised to go with the specified part.

Good luck with your case mod.

What absolute basics do you know? And what would you like to know? You might consider a kit electronics project? Or you might decide to purchase a breadboard and some components and start building simple circuits you find on the internet.

I started with something like this this. I think I was about 8 or 9 at the time. I also think it was before the days of "Suited for children aged X and above" :D

Honestly, there's a lot these can teach you at any age. If you're old enough, you can buy one for a younger sibling or your children (etc.) and "show them how to use it" :)

Some level of practical experience and a dedicated effort to understand *why* things work will get you a long way.