Maker Pro
Maker Pro

pops v. cracks in a valve amp



Low frequency pops through the speaker, rather than high frequency cracks.
Would failure of 10,000uF 16V cap on DC balance to the heaters leading to
pops be consistent rather than high V HT cap failure (crack noise).

Phil Allison

"Nutcase Kook "
Low frequency pops through the speaker, rather than high frequency cracks.
Would failure of 10,000uF 16V cap on DC balance to the heaters...

** FFS name the damn amp.

..... Phil


Low frequency pops through the speaker, rather than high frequency cracks.
Would failure of 10,000uF 16V cap on DC balance to the heaters leading to
pops be consistent rather than high V HT cap failure (crack noise).

Got a scope? Use it to find where the noise comes from....


intermittant, once in an hour or so
By pop = both hands clasped with palms cupped, then clap
crack = 2 fingers laid over the other palm , then clap

Meat Plow

Got a scope? Use it to find where the noise comes from....


intermittant, once in an hour or so
By pop = both hands clasped with palms cupped, then clap crack = 2
fingers laid over the other palm , then clap

Have you subbed the valves?


I was hoping for learned opinion on diagnostic possibility of the f
characteristics of pops v cracks. Replaced the "heater" cap and no
re-emergence of pops , hopefully not a coincidence