Maker Pro
Maker Pro

polaroid tv capacitor replacement


Im a newbie so please bare with me. I have a Polaroid tv model 3211TLXB. A few months ago, I heard a pop and saw some smoke from the rear of the tv. This caused a loss of picture, but the tv still turned on and I had sound, just no picture. So anyway, since it was under warranty I went through hell to get a repair person over to the house to look at it. He replaced 2 capacitors and went on his way, the tv worked fine for about a month. Just yesterday the pic went out again and I had sound but no pic. I opened up the back and the same 2 caps the repair guy replaced were bad again. Is there any way I can find out the correct rating on the capacitors I need? The ones that the guy replaced say 10uf 450V 105'C but I dont think he used the right ones so before I purchase another set and replace them I just wanted to ensure I got the right ones. can anyone help? (i have no issue replacing them, Im not going through all that bs with the warranty company again).

I agree with Steve ... if it's still under warranty, just get it fixed again. Be sure to let them know it was already fixed once for the same problem. Maybe you will get a whole new board this time.

What makes you think it's the same capacitors again? Don't you think it could be a different one, or something else wrong that is blowing caps?

The only way to know for sure of the values is to see the schematic or a virgin TV.

You can almost read the values, but not quite:
Call them back for warranty service. If the parts blew again, there is a more serious problem that should be fixed.

Jerry G.
I third the warranty idea. Common sense tells you if the same caps blew twice then there is something more then a bad cap happening to that system.

Now remember if you open up that box and do anything to void your warranty you will be costing yourself a lot more then 2 new dime caps.