Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PLL frequency multiplier.



I need a circuit that takes a 400hz sync pulse and multiplies it to

I was reading around the net on PLL multipliers, but everything I have
seen are way up into the mhz range with really no schematics on aiding
to design one.

any ideas? thanks.


Frank said:
I've never used it, but maybe the old 4046 works:

But the real Frank Buss method would be to pipe that 400Hz into a uC and
run a timer in there. A software loop would keep adjusting the timer's
overflow register until the timer does exactly 96 rollovers per 400Hz
cycle. Then use that timer overflow signal to toggle a port pin which
will now deliver exactly 19.2kHz at 50% duty cycle. This method should
require the least in parts. Heck, the uC doesn't even need a stable
clock, it can run off its on-chip RC oscillator. Best case it'll be two
components, the uC itself and a 0.1uF bypass cap.

Of course us analog guys will always have run out of timers by the time
a function such as this is added into the mix. Somehow there are never
enough timers ...

Mike, I can't see your posts because you probably use the google domain.
But if you want to build something around a 4046 here is the recipe,
figure 2:

The divider would be a bit more cumbersome because you have to provide a
divide ration of 48 in this circuit. Most likely needs two chips instead
of that one. But I am sure you can piece that together. Your 400Hz goes
into pin 14 and your 19.2kHz emerge at pin 4. The timing parts to the
right of the 4046 may also need some changes, that's where the datasheet
comes in.

If this runs at voltages <5V I suggest to use 74HC series chips. The PLL
comes in that family as well, would be called 74HC4046.

Frank Buss

Joerg said:
But the real Frank Buss method would be to pipe that 400Hz into a uC and
run a timer in there. A software loop would keep adjusting the timer's
overflow register until the timer does exactly 96 rollovers per 400Hz
cycle. Then use that timer overflow signal to toggle a port pin which
will now deliver exactly 19.2kHz at 50% duty cycle. This method should
require the least in parts. Heck, the uC doesn't even need a stable
clock, it can run off its on-chip RC oscillator. Best case it'll be two
components, the uC itself and a 0.1uF bypass cap.

It depends on the accuracy requirements. If I use a cheap PIC with 4 MHz
internal clock, I would need some machine cycles (4 MHz PICs runs with one
million instructions per second) to toggle the pin. Would need considerably
work to balance the code paths for the same time and even then there would
be a jitter of about 2% (19.2 kHz / 1 MHz * 100), and worse when I need to
adjust it up/down by one. I assume the CD4046 is more accurate.


Frank said:
It depends on the accuracy requirements. If I use a cheap PIC with 4 MHz
internal clock, I would need some machine cycles (4 MHz PICs runs with one
million instructions per second) to toggle the pin. Would need considerably
work to balance the code paths for the same time and even then there would
be a jitter of about 2% (19.2 kHz / 1 MHz * 100), and worse when I need to
adjust it up/down by one. I assume the CD4046 is more accurate.

Yes, there will be some jitter and the 4046 will be more accurate. But
sometimes it'll be good enough if you average out the jitter over the
long term. Depends on Mike's application.

You could also do a timer up/down scheme which avoids the toggle, then
it's done by HW inside the timer CCR area. Use a zippier uC such as a
MSP430F2xxx or even better a 100MHz 8051, run the timer at max and only
nudge the rollover register a bit by your code. Takes a lot of the
jitter out.


Frank said:
It depends on the accuracy requirements. If I use a cheap PIC with 4 MHz
internal clock, I would need some machine cycles (4 MHz PICs runs with one
million instructions per second) to toggle the pin. Would need considerably
work to balance the code paths for the same time and even then there would
be a jitter of about 2% (19.2 kHz / 1 MHz * 100), and worse when I need to
adjust it up/down by one. I assume the CD4046 is more accurate.

Another thought in case this comes up in some project: If you make sure
the timer overflow has the highest interrupt priority there won't be
more jitter than the granularity of the master clock. Just make sure the
assembler routine for that ISR takes exactly xx clock cycles every time.
But the real Frank Buss method would be to pipe that 400Hz into a uC and
run a timer in there. A software loop would keep adjusting the timer's
overflow register until the timer does exactly 96 rollovers per 400Hz
cycle. Then use that timer overflow signal to toggle a port pin which
will now deliver exactly 19.2kHz at 50% duty cycle. This method should
require the least in parts. Heck, the uC doesn't even need a stable
clock, it can run off its on-chip RC oscillator. Best case it'll be two
components, the uC itself and a 0.1uF bypass cap.

Of course us analog guys will always have run out of timers by the time
a function such as this is added into the mix. Somehow there are never
enough timers ...

Mike, I can't see your posts because you probably use the google domain.
But if you want to build something around a 4046 here is the recipe,
figure 2:

The divider would be a bit more cumbersome because you have to provide a
divide ration of 48 in this circuit. Most likely needs two chips instead
of that one. But I am sure you can piece that together. Your 400Hz goes
into pin 14 and your 19.2kHz emerge at pin 4. The timing parts to the
right of the 4046 may also need some changes, that's where the datasheet
comes in.

If this runs at voltages <5V I suggest to use 74HC series chips. The PLL
comes in that family as well, would be called 74HC4046.

The NXP 74HC9046 is nicer (if you can find anybody who stocks it) and
the 74HC40103 eight-bit counter can be used as a single-chip divide-
by-48 albeit the 400Hz output would be a series of 52usec wide pulses
- fine for the edge-detecting phase detector.


Well timing has to be rather critical. its being used in a narrow band
video sync. so it has to be accurate.

Well, see i play around with NBTV scanning disk television as a hobby.
I was going to make an NBTV emulator with a 32x48 LED matrix.

since it is a 32 line resolution, at 12.5 frames per second, you have
a line sync of 400hz.

the problem is theres 48 vertical resolution pixels per 1 line scan.
so that means i would have to multiply my 400hz pulse by 48 or 19.2khz
to scan the vertical LEDs to keep them in sync.

Im going to be using an ATmel AVR, so if you know of a way to make a
multiplier out of an AVR CPU. let me know.


Ben Jackson

But the real Frank Buss method would be to pipe that 400Hz into a uC and
run a timer in there. A software loop would keep adjusting the timer's
overflow register...

Implementing a good digital PLL has all the design challenges of an
analog PLL, but in discrete time instead of continuous time. The major
difference is that EEs get training in PLL design, and even if they
can't recall it immediately, they know that there are tools like Bode
plots and impulse response to help them evaluate their design. Computer
programmers have not been warned about hazards like poor step response,
long settling time and instability and even if they discover those
hazards experimentally it's not obvious how to fix them.

So I would recommend even to someone more comfortable with microcontrollers
that if you have to ask this question ('how do I multiply 400Hz by 48?')
you should strongly consider the analog solution. There are a lot more
4046 cookbooks out there than there are examples of how to build a digital
PLL that will perform as well.

If you do decide to use the uC, shine the batsignal in the sky and Tim
Wescott will swoop down and remind you that he wrote a book that you should

Frank Buss

Mike said:
Well timing has to be rather critical. its being used in a narrow band
video sync. so it has to be accurate.

Well, see i play around with NBTV scanning disk television as a hobby.
I was going to make an NBTV emulator with a 32x48 LED matrix.

since it is a 32 line resolution, at 12.5 frames per second, you have
a line sync of 400hz.

NBTV sounds interesting. But according to this webpage (chapter "Club standard"), there is
a sync every line. So I don't think that it would be a good idea to use a
PLL for the pixel clock, but you should simply start scanning with each
sync pulse. You can even increase or decrease the pixel clock to scale the
image, like with old analog monitors. Or you can measure the average time
between two syncs and calculate a counter delay for full screen fit, like
the auto-adjust button on more modern monitors.

A PLL could be useful for restoring missing line syncs with noisy signals.
Im going to be using an ATmel AVR, so if you know of a way to make a
multiplier out of an AVR CPU. let me know.

There are ATMega parts with hardware multipliers, but I think you won't
need it for this project.

Another nice page about NBTV:

But looks (and sounds) a bit like a coffee party for retired electronic
engineers :)

Nevertheless I like the idea with the mirror. Reminds me to this video:

In this video you can see how such a globe could be built:



yea i could do it that way, just the picture will be smaller or taller
vertically if the vertical scan clock is too fast or too slow.

I was thinking about using the sync pulse to trigger INT0, but then i could
set, reset the timer and use it as a TOP value on a overflow interrupt, so
the overflow interrupt will scan it vertically, that way its always locked.

Martin Griffith

Well timing has to be rather critical. its being used in a narrow band
video sync. so it has to be accurate.

Well, see i play around with NBTV scanning disk television as a hobby.
I was going to make an NBTV emulator with a 32x48 LED matrix.

since it is a 32 line resolution, at 12.5 frames per second, you have
a line sync of 400hz.

the problem is theres 48 vertical resolution pixels per 1 line scan.
so that means i would have to multiply my 400hz pulse by 48 or 19.2khz
to scan the vertical LEDs to keep them in sync.

Im going to be using an ATmel AVR, so if you know of a way to make a
multiplier out of an AVR CPU. let me know.

Would something like the EL4584 from intersil be any use?,0,EL4584,0.html



it would have worked, but its divisors are setup for NTSC and other systems.
it doesnt have a 48 divisor.


Ben said:
Implementing a good digital PLL has all the design challenges of an
analog PLL, but in discrete time instead of continuous time. The major
difference is that EEs get training in PLL design, and even if they
can't recall it immediately, they know that there are tools like Bode
plots and impulse response to help them evaluate their design. Computer
programmers have not been warned about hazards like poor step response,
long settling time and instability and even if they discover those
hazards experimentally it's not obvious how to fix them.

But it's the challenge, man, the challenge! On my first trip to Yosemite
we skipped the bus and hiked up to Glacier Point, then the whole long
loop back to the valley. One of us nearly didn't make it ...

So I would recommend even to someone more comfortable with microcontrollers
that if you have to ask this question ('how do I multiply 400Hz by 48?')
you should strongly consider the analog solution. There are a lot more
4046 cookbooks out there than there are examples of how to build a digital
PLL that will perform as well.

Agree. This is clerly a 4046 application. OTOH if you master this
project you can embark on uC driven switch mode conversion and such
where there is a fine line between RHP zero stability and one hellacious
kablouie. That'll make you a highly sought engineer.

If you do decide to use the uC, shine the batsignal in the sky and Tim
Wescott will swoop down and remind you that he wrote a book that you should

Those who never did that definitely should consider that.


Mike said:
yea i could do it that way, just the picture will be smaller or taller
vertically if the vertical scan clock is too fast or too slow.

I was thinking about using the sync pulse to trigger INT0, but then i could
set, reset the timer and use it as a TOP value on a overflow interrupt, so
the overflow interrupt will scan it vertically, that way its always locked.

Sure, but mind the chance of the missing or garbled sync. There needs to
be something that then "places" on in roughly the correct spot. That's
what a sync'd oscillator or PLL does. Like a flywheel.


Tim said:
Do pretty much what Joerg said.

If the AVR has a timer capture function with all the right features,
then it can be pretty direct. The narrative below tells how to do it on
an 'ideal' system; you'll have to see if your AVR will cope.

Set up a timer to run at a nominal 19.2kHz, with the fastest incoming
clock that you can get away with. Then set up your 400Hz sync to
trigger the timer capture, and interrupt the processor at the same time.

Each time the processor gets interrupted, look at the capture register.
If it's bigger than 1/2 the timer period subtract the timer period from
it, to make it into a signed phase error. Then take that phase error
and feed it into a PID filter (most likely you just need a PI filter)
that controls the period register value. See for tips on
tuning your PI filter.

Fortunately this is a hobby project, so the most important specification
you have to meet is "am I having fun yet". It's amazing how much stress
you can relieve by temporarily abandoning things like fast lock, absence
of overshoot, and noise immunity while you're concentrating on getting a
pretty picture.

The best stress relief will be that you don't have to whip it through a
standards body review process, EMC certification and all that. Got to do
one of those again next week. Oh what fun ... where's that tequila bottle?


Jim said:
Tim Wescott wrote: [snip]
Fortunately this is a hobby project, so the most important specification
you have to meet is "am I having fun yet". It's amazing how much stress
you can relieve by temporarily abandoning things like fast lock, absence
of overshoot, and noise immunity while you're concentrating on getting a
pretty picture.
The best stress relief will be that you don't have to whip it through a
standards body review process, EMC certification and all that. Got to do
one of those again next week. Oh what fun ... where's that tequila bottle?

Tequila?? I've got to introduce you to some better "stuff" ;-)

I used to like fine cognac and single-malt but somehow I don't fancy the
hard stuff much anymore. I do like margaritas though. Oh, and we just
became club members here:

Martin Griffith

Tim Wescott wrote: [snip]
Fortunately this is a hobby project, so the most important specification
you have to meet is "am I having fun yet". It's amazing how much stress
you can relieve by temporarily abandoning things like fast lock, absence
of overshoot, and noise immunity while you're concentrating on getting a
pretty picture.

The best stress relief will be that you don't have to whip it through a
standards body review process, EMC certification and all that. Got to do
one of those again next week. Oh what fun ... where's that tequila bottle?

Tequila?? I've got to introduce you to some better "stuff" ;-)

...Jim Thompson



Frank Buss

Joerg said:
I used to like fine cognac and single-malt but somehow I don't fancy the
hard stuff much anymore. I do like margaritas though.

This would be too hard for me, but it is understandable that you need
something harder to forget a good Koelsch or Hefeweizen :)


Jim said:
Jim said:
On Fri, 04 Jul 2008 13:14:44 -0700, Joerg

Tim Wescott wrote:
Fortunately this is a hobby project, so the most important specification
you have to meet is "am I having fun yet". It's amazing how much stress
you can relieve by temporarily abandoning things like fast lock, absence
of overshoot, and noise immunity while you're concentrating on getting a
pretty picture.

The best stress relief will be that you don't have to whip it through a
standards body review process, EMC certification and all that. Got to do
one of those again next week. Oh what fun ... where's that tequila bottle?
Tequila?? I've got to introduce you to some better "stuff" ;-)
I used to like fine cognac and single-malt but somehow I don't fancy the
hard stuff much anymore. I do like margaritas though. Oh, and we just
became club members here:

Good stuff?

I prefer wine, though I'll have a _very_ occasional beer when it's
really hot. (Widmer Hefeweizen that Larkin introduced me to is one of
my favorites... most American beers are so "lite" as to be tasteless.)

That's what they are making, wine. And you probably never tasted
American stuff like this:

And I like Dry Sack Sherry as an aperitif, and Drambuie, and Jack
Daniels and... ;-)

Hennessy, Camus, Glenlivet, Beerenburger would be da good stuff :)