Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PLL-free clock generator, fully on-chip


Theo Markettos

I'm looking for:

A VCO chip where all the VCO components are on-chip, in other words I feed
it some control voltage and it produces an output frequency. I don't want
any external components like R/L/Cs or crystals that might have harmonics of
the output frequency on them.

Broadband: something like 0-1000MHz, where '0' and '1000' are fairly
flexible. But not a range like 215-270MHz. A stepped range would be OK if
there were enough steps. I don't mind (in fact it'd be quite useful) if the
output was a divided form of the internal clock.

Don't care if it's linear or not, as long as it's stable enough that I can
draw a V/f graph.

The ability to keep the oscillator running but switch off the output pin.


It doesn't /have/ to be a VCO - if there's some other way to generate a
frequency on-chip that doesn't use a PLL that would be fine (ring

Preferably plastic package.

It's only for experimental purposes so cost, board space etc isn't too much
of an issue.

Don't care about supply voltage or logic levels

I'm quite happy to use some chip that uses an onboard oscillator for other
things internally, as long as I can turn on and off the clock on an output

This sounds like a nuts request, but I have a genuine reason for wanting
this :)

Something like the DS1085 looks perfect, except its top-end frequency is
much lower than I'd like. Any other suggestions?


Theo Markettos

Joel Koltner said:
I think you're out of luck then... Analog Devices has some 1GHz DDSes that
would get you, say, 0-400MHz and you could multiply or mix the output to
get a broader range, and the spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) isn't as
good as more conventional PLL-based generators (although this might not be
a problem for you).

Well, 1GHz isn't exactly a hard requirement but 'more than 133MHz' is. It'll
just set the upper limit on the measurements I make. 400MHz would be OK.

Thanks for the ref to Analog's DDSes (I didn't know Direct Digital
Synthesis - another handy Google word :). But they seem to have PLLs in
them, unless I'm missing something?
For experimental purposes could you just pick up a cheap wideband function
generator on eBay? :)

Needs to be a chip, preferably in a plastic package, I'm afraid :)

My current idea is a series of ring oscillators in an FPGA. Jittery like
anything but I don't care about medium/long term drift. It's 'just' a case
of bending the tools to synthesise them. And I haven't a clue what sort of
frequency I might get...



Theo said:
For experimental purposes could you just pick up a cheap wideband function
generator on eBay? :)

Needs to be a chip, preferably in a plastic package, I'm afraid :)

My current idea is a series of ring oscillators in an FPGA. Jittery like
anything but I don't care about medium/long term drift. It's 'just' a case
of bending the tools to synthesise them. And I haven't a clue what sort of
frequency I might get...

I am not very familiar with FPGA and what resources they offer. If they
feature OC drivers where the input can be routed to a pin and where
there preferably is just one ("unbuffered") inverter stage involved
instead of the usual three:

Set up a ring oscillator, route an OC output to each tap. Control the OC
inputs from PWMs that are nicely RC filtered. The PWM then controls the
frequency. Rather crude though, kind of a broomstick solution. If the Rs
and Cs bother you maybe use 0201 sizes ;-)

Theo Markettos

Joerg said:
Set up a ring oscillator, route an OC output to each tap. Control the OC
inputs from PWMs that are nicely RC filtered. The PWM then controls the
frequency. Rather crude though, kind of a broomstick solution. If the Rs
and Cs bother you maybe use 0201 sizes ;-)

Hmm... that's an interesting idea. I might think about that, thanks.
Or if there's any other ways to do analogue control voltages to the FPGA
(like mess with the power rails).



Theo said:
Hmm... that's an interesting idea. I might think about that, thanks.
Or if there's any other ways to do analogue control voltages to the FPGA
(like mess with the power rails).

Sure, if there is nothing else important on that FPGA that could get
messed up and it's not one of those newfangled FPGA with umpteen
supplies that must be babied. You can change the frequency of a ring
oscillator widely via VCC scooting. Take a look at prop delay versus VCC
at the end of page 4: